Chapter III: Analysis

Start from the beginning

"That's a little relieving. All this time, I thought I was a dud or somethin,'" Harmonia said.

"Don't worry, Harmonia. You'll discover your Core Ability someday. And who knows—maybe it'll even be during this test!" Aureate was beaming with optimism. Harmonia offered her a grateful smile.

"Hey, Princess, can I talk to you for a moment?" Pea said, lowering his voice so only Aureate could hear. "Sure. What is it you require?" the princess asked as they stepped away from a confused acorn.

"It's about Harmonia... does she have to be in our alliance?" The peashooter eyed Harmonia warily.

"Harmonia's my friend! Of course she does."

"But I thought it was just going to be the two of us..!"

"Then you thought wrong," Aureate shot him down, crossing her leaf blades irritably. "Well, fine, then. If Harmonia's in this group, then I'm not!" Pea decided.

Aureate released an exasperated sigh. "Pea, quit being petty. You're in this group whether you like it or not!"

"What?! Why do you get to decide that for me?" Pea raised his voice, drawing attention to them. "You're not my mom!"

"Fine! I'll give you a choice!" Aureate cried before taking in a deep breath and lowering her voice. "You can be with us or not. Which one would you rather?"

"I.. I'd rather be with you guys," Pea admitted quietly, tugging on his bandana. "I was just upset."

"How come? Is it because you truly dislike Harmonia?" Aureate asked, softening.

"No.. It's because I had issues in the past with.. friends."

"Hey. Look at me." Slowly, his gaze switched from the ground to her eyes. "You aren't alone, alright? I'll make sure you're never alone again."

"...Okay," Pea agreed, returning the smile. His gaze shone with gratitude.

"Sorry for yelling," he apologized. "It's okay. Like you said, you were upset," Aureate forgave him. "Besides, it wasn't right for me to force that upon you."

"No, it's okay. I'm sure Harmonia's great."

"Then how about we head back to her? She's probably so confused."

As the two walked back to their seats where Harmonia was waiting, Buckwheat began to speak.

"Everyone sit down now! Before the test begins, I will be going over the rules," the kernel corn said. "The use of your Core Abilities is allowed, but no Cora-Touched objects. Attacking other test takers is allowed, but once someone is downed, leave them alone. If a test taker is wounded and deemed unable to continue, they will be disqualified and can only retake the test next semester. The first phase of the test will take place around Horizons Academy's test grounds. Leaving the test grounds during the test is not allowed. There will be three phases of the test. Are there any questions?"

"What's Cora-Touched?" the young rose sitting in the front asked.

"I'm glad you asked, kid! Cora-Touched objects don't start out as Cora-Touched. It happens when am Chorian with the EE Cora Type converts some of their Cora into an inanimate object and give it a command. Then, the object is Cora-Touched and the enchantment cannot be reversed," Colonel Kernel explained. "And before anyone asks, you'll learn about Cora Types in the academy if you past this test. Now, everyone get in a single file line and follow the path to the test grounds."

"Yes, Sir!" the test takers chanted before falling into line.

They walked along the dirt path that led to the test grounds. Buckwheat was at the front of the line, leading the test takers, while Aureate and the gang were right behind him.

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