I have to take a photo of this...

I reach for my phone, and go on camera mode, before photographing the picturesque beauty lying next to me.


And, done-

In my haste, I accidentally drop my phone, which, thankfully, does not land on Yuri, but-


I wince as it lands on the floor and hastily bend down to pick it up.

Did she-

"Monika? What are you doing here?"


I quickly get up.

"I was... ahm... getting a drink of water! And then on my way back I dropped my phone so..."

I lamely pause mid-sentence like the idiot I am.


She pauses, before a cheeky smile forms on her face.

"Are you sure you didn't just stop by for the extravagant beauty that is moi?"

Cheeky bitch.... She knows me too well.... But I can't let her know that....

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Yuri."

"And you, according to me, are the opposite of the word 'beautiful',"

She puts a hand to her chest mock-offended.

"Well- Natsuki thinks otherwise, and so do you, actually! Afterall, actions speak louder than words... well, that is, if you count typing as an action!"

I gape at her, shocked.



*whispers* I don't blame u if u do like her..... she is quite the beauty....


Miss President
*Whispers* you know... you do have a pretty sexy figure...


I chuckle.

"Yeah, you got me there, I guess..."

"Knew it! Anyway, goodnight Monika! Unless you want to stare a little longer~"

I stick my tongue out at her and make my way upstairs.

Lord almighty... this girl will be the death of me...

I shake my head, still smiling, before I realise something.

Shit. I forgot the water...


Beep beep! Beep beep!

Good morning to you too, oh mighty alarm...

I shut off the alarm and get out of bed.

Shiiiiiiit... today's the day of the festival....

A pit of nerves and excitement forms in my stomach when I realise something...

Goddammit! I forgot to write a poem- wait. I can use the one I wrote... regret, I think it was called? Yeah... that'll work...

I smile.

Yeah. Today is going to be a good day.

I put on my uniform and head downstairs.

Hmm... I wonder if Yuri's awake... probably not, seeing as she doesn't have an alarm... oh well! Better wake her up, I suppose...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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