Chapter 5

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The day has finished again... woohoo.

It's time for club... I suppose I should get a start on the activities... I wonder what Sayori and Natsuki like doing....

No. That's never gonna work. Natsuki, Sayori and I have very diverse opinions on literature.... For heavens sake, Natsuki reads manga!

I guess that means book discussions are out of the window....

What is else is there? Uhhh.... Writing a story, maybe?

Nope. I'm horrible at writing stories.

I sigh, before opening the door.

As I walk in, I notice Natsuki and Sayori arguing over something.

"Ugh, Sayori! You have to be kidding me! That was my second-favourite manga! Why'd you crease it!?!?"

I mentally roll my eyes.

God, what a drama queen.


How did the manga get here??????

"I'm sowwweeeeee... I didn't meaaaaan to..."

"Ugh- whatever, b-but it's not like I accept your apology or anything!!!"

Jesus... could she get any more tsundere???

"Uhh... guys? Not to intrude, but how did the manga get here? I don't remember putting it th-"

"I bought it, baka! What else do you think?"

"Jesus, Natsuki, I was just asking...."

I sigh and turn back to my desk.


I guess I'll do my homework whilst I'm here, hopefully it'll clear my mind...

Then something catches my eye.

It's the poem I wrote yesterday... did nobody really find it???

I hastily tuck it into my breast pocket.

Wait... poem.... That's it!

"Okay everyone!"

"What do you want??? We were just getting to the good part!!"

What I want right now is to bitch-slap you so hard-

No. Violence isn't the answer.

I keep a fake smile on my face before answering Natsuki.

"We are a club,"

"I gathered that."

Natsuki rolls her eyes at me.

Probably trying to act 'cool' or some bullshit...

"And every club has an activity, so I thought we should have one too!"

"Ohhhh what's the activity, Monika?? Tellmetellmetellme!!!!!"

Sayori bounced up next to me.

"Well, I thought we should try writing poems... afterall, literature isn't just reading, it's also writing, don't you agree?"

"Yeaaaaahhh!!! That's a great idea, Monika!! Come on, Natsuki, let's write a poem!!!"

I smile from relief.

Well at least someone liked the idea....

"Ugh... well... I actually sometimes write poetry too, y'know? S-so... if we do this, you all know I'll be way better than you both, so don't expect any praise or anything! I'm a pro, afterall,"

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