Chapter 8

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She said yes! She said yes!!!!

Even hours after school had ended, I am still euphoric.

Ha! Take that, Jia! I have your '4 members', and I'll get more!!

I haven't introduced Yuri to Natsuki and Sayori yet....

It'll be a nice surprise for them!

Maybe not for the bitch in cute clothing....

I sigh. At least we would get a new addition to the club who isn't a careless goof and an arrogant bitch.

Oh. What am I saying? Looking down on others only highlights your own insecurities....

But still! I never really fully believed in the literature club being an actual possibility!

My only fear is truly Aoi.... And the others....

I already fear they hate me for what happened in drama..... They seemed distant during lunchtime....

Well... I shouldn't think about that. Afterall, Aoi and everyone else don't actually attend after school clubs, so I don't think this will be too much of an issue.

And I highly doubt Yuri is the clingy type....
( AN- in this fanfic Yuri is independent, so this is actually true )

And the others... what will they think of her?

Oh well... they'll find out tomorrow...

Wait- I can contact them on the group chat! God, I'm dumb.

I giggle to myself at my density before getting my phone and clicking on the Lit club owo icon.

Yo. I've got news.

Make it quick.

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Natsi! Don't be mean to Monikaaaa

Its Monikaaammmmmm

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Wha- WHY?????

Guys we are getting off track!

Okay! What do you want??!?

Well... when handing flyers I came across a girl, and I asked her to join the club and she agreed to check it out. So ig we have a new member?

Wtf didn't you tell us earlier???

Lil Cinnabun UwU
What does wtf mean?

*rolls eyes*. In original context it means 'what the fuck'. In my context it means 'why the fuck'.

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Daaahh!! Natsuki, why do u spoil mah innocence????


Guys, can we pls get back to the topic at hand?

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Oh yeah! What's her name? What does she look like?

Well, her name is Yuri Kimisha....

Pffffft... Yuri....


Yuri is a referral to a lesbian manga genre.....

Aaaaaand we all really needed to know that. Thank u for ur TEDtalk Natsuki...

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