Chapter 7

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I get up from bed, stretching lazily.

I can't remember shit....

Okay okay, you have exams in a week, calm down...

I start getting dressed and revising biology in my head.

Insulin regulates the amount of glucose in your blood, Keratin strengthens your hair and nails, and can be found in several hair conditioners, hemoglobin is found in red blood cells, and transports oxygen throughout the e body, collagen helps with strengthening joints and elasticity, and elastin helps with muscle elasticity and structural support....

Yeah, I know my proteins pretty well... maybe I can get Aoi to test me... she's the smart one in the group..

I head downstairs, before checking the time.

Screw it, I'm going to be late to school, no breakfast for me I guess.

I sigh before getting my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

Today I don't have Spanish or Physics, so I guess I won't be seeing Yuri today.

Well, maybe I will, but it doesn't really matter! In fact, I kind of hope I don't see her... she might just recognise me...

She didn't before, why should she now?

Plus- she smells nice-

And who gives a fuck?

I just don't want my reputation to be ruined

Or to see the hurt look in her eyes


"I don't... I don't care..."

I mumble to myself. God, I'm stupid. And none of this would've happened if she wasn't so damn pretty that my eyes were drawn to her and-

Ugh! I've never been this anxious my whole life!

And all because of one girl I barely even know...

I sigh as I approach the school gate. Aoi waves to me enthusiastically.

"Hey, Moni, sup?"

She leans towards me.

"I'm good, Aoi, I was-"

I was about to ask her about the biology test but she cuts me off.

"Hey! You know that really hot boy, Yoshi, that we were talking about yesterday?"

I nod my head, faking enthusiasm.


She smiles excitedly.

"Well, so like basically, he like, DMed me on insta and, like, he told me that I was pretty!"

"Do you think he'll ask me out?"

She looks at me, waiting for a response.

"Huh? Oh, Aoi, you're really pretty! Of course he'll ask you out!"

She smiles again, but her eyes don't light up.

"Not as pretty as you..."

Huh? Wha-

"Oh hey, Chiyo! Did you hear the news?"

Chiyo immediately comes rushing to us, and starts chatting with Aoi.

I sigh before looking around the courtyard. Barely anyone is here.

Damn. Shouldn't have skipped out in breakfast...

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