Chapter 6

189 7 29

Ha! I know all of this! Japanese literature is easy- peasy.

Now that I'm done with trig, I can get done with my 'strong points', a.k.a, Literature, biology and music.

Especially music.

It's so damn easy! I've been doing theory since I was 7! Compared to the grade 5 theory exam I had to take this is child's play.

Creative subjects are really my strong points.

Unlike the sciences and maths.

Equations are just so difficult to understand! I mean, they are just numbers afterall! Who needs them?

It's not like I'll need them in order to recode my reality....

So they're useless!

But of course our school makes these subjects mandatory.

And it sucks.

At least we can make clubs by ourselves without teachers overseeing our progress...

But the student council does...

Jia is a total nightmare.....

She's clearly jealous of me, and is giving me so little time to get 4 members....

We have 3 so far...

Yes, but Natsuki isn't showing initiative, and I don't really see anyone else who would want to join...

And besides, where would I find people like that anyway??

The library....

I guess....

That's it! I'll go around sticking flyers in the library. That could attract potential members who aren't total bitches and there because

A) Sayori pressured them into it


B) because they want to be in my good books.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

I wonder what everyone else is doing....

I reach for my phone and scroll to the group chat.

Yo, sup?

Lil Cinnabun UwU
I'm good UwU!

Could be better.... Also- Sayori, wht is it with u and uwu? Ngl it's kinda annying

Lil Cinnabun UwU
What does 'ngl' mean?

Not gonna lie

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Neither am I!


Sayori, she meant that NGL stands for not gonna lie.

Lil Cinnabun UwU

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Also- soweeee for being annoying uwu.

You two-faced sheepskinned wolf! Sayoriiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmm

Lil Cinnabun UwU
Couldn't resist~


Lil Cinnabun UwU

It means........


Lil Cinnabun UwU
Imma go cry now, u made me cry u meanie :((((((

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