Chapter 10

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Beep beep!


The whole weekend was me just doing nothing and being bored...

At least I have the literature club!

And the festival's on Wednesday....

Yeah... I've really gotta sort out the activities for this club...

I yawn and stretch, before getting out of my bed and putting on the uniform.

Right what was I thinking about? Oh yeah- the festival....

I feel that since we're a literature club, we should try something, well, literature related.... Maybe a poetry reading?

Yeah... that's a pretty good idea... poetry is something we all can do... unless Yuri can't-

No. Of course she can... she can do anything, and knows just about everything.

I head downstairs and grab a sandwich, before heading out.

Anything else we can do? Nobody is going to be 'lured in' if all we have on offer is poetry! There's gotta be something else we can also do...

Maybe some sort of food to attract the guests? And decorations... pamphlets to advertise it would also work....

Yeah. If we can all do that before Wednesday, we'll be fine...

I start making my way towards the school.

That talk we had over the group chat on Friday was... interesting, to say the least...

I feel a dumb grin spread over my face.

I don't know why, but it feels good to have someone as entertaining as Yuri in the club...

Oh hell, we all love an entertainer... Not a clown, mind you... but as I found out on Friday, Yuri can kill with saracasm...

And hey- it was fun to see Natsuki shot down for once!

I shake my head, still smiling like a goof.

Concentrate on what's important, Monika, or you'll never get far...

But hey! Club bonding is important...

And it was refreshing to talk ( or text ) about something that isn't lipstick or hot guys ( *cough* *cough* looking at you: Aoi, Chiyo, Emiko, Ayumi, Sora, Hikari and co. ) even if it was mostly burns... it felt... real? I suppose that's a word for it....

I walk up to the school gate.

Okay... I have biology exams today... and it's first period!

No time for hanging out... I've gotta revise while I still have time...

Alright... let's see... what'll they ask in the test?

Uhh... well, for instance....

Are you kidding? I have no fucking idea...

I begin to panic.

What if I fail? What if I get a C? Oh god, that would be horrible! My parents will be so displeased... what if it affects my application for university? Oh.....

"Hey... Monika?"

A soft voice snaps me out of my trance.

On instinct, I turn around and.... Yes... it's Yuri...

Damn... is it just me or am I seeing a whole lot more of her this past week?
( AN- no, in this fic, nobody is a yandere ( check out some of my others that I haven't started writing out yet but totally have plans for if you want to see yandere ) )

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