Greasy Diner Food

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We walked into the same old beat up dinner we normally met up at, Mallory sat at the corner booth that we typically occupied waving us down, and Jana sat right next to her, i swear these two were sewn together at the hip at some point, i almost never saw them apart. While Edwyn sashayed over to them, i took my time. It all seemed so gloomy now, the mustard colored sets look muted, and the brick red walls appeared to age as I walked. I couldn't help but wonder if this is what he felt, but as soon as the thought came in my head i kicked it back out and forced a smile as i was coming up on my friends.

"Hey I missed you!" Jana jumped up hugged me, her long black hair was in a braid. i small smile came to face as i hugged her, she just had a way of making you feel like the most important person in the world, it was impossible to be sad or angry around this girl.

"What did you do drop off the face of the earth?" Mallory rushed me from behind her tiny freckled arms wrapping around both of us. After a solid five minutes hugging pulled me down to sit and started talking about God knows what, and I was left to my head. it was the same old diner, the same old table that we carved our names in, but it all felt so foran now. I was quietly pulled out of my thoughts when the waitress came to take out orders, and before i could shake my head and say i was fine with water Mallory answered.

"Cheeseburgers and root beer floats for all of us." She smiled, and went back to talking, I sighed.

"Guys I'm really not hungry."

" Your mom said you haven't eaten since Tuesday, you're eating even if i have to shove it down your throat." she snapped back Growing I went back to studying the table, tracing our names that marked up it up. Parker Locklynn. It was hard seeing it after almost a week of nobody even whispering it when I was around. It was like an unspoken rule, and if you said it some would strike you down, it was stupid, but then again I didn't say it either. They must have saw me trace his name over and over again, because I was once again tugged out of my thoughts.

" Hey, you guys want to do something crazy after this?" We all cocked our heads, trying to figure out what she meant. Mallory is a random person, she does random thing at random times, dragging whoever is there along with her.

" Good, hurry up and eat" She didn't take anything other then yes for answer.

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