Kicking and screaming

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I slammed my head down on my keyboard fed up with looking at an empty screen, this stupid short story was due in a week and I barely had a story line. Of course I wanted to write but I just felt like I couldn't: I physically couldn't make my fingers move, my brain had decided to shut down and take a vacation. Little balls of paper with rejected ideas were strewn across my room, my black funeral dress still plagued my body, and plates of dinner sat untouched on my nightstand.

I flopped on my bed, petting the big, black, monster of a cat that sat basking in the sunshine that removed the darkness I was so comfortably living in.

"Dude, this sucks." He simply gazed forward, obviously annoyed.

"Looks like it." He replied, pulling my head forward to see who he was: He looked like a train wreck, his hazel eyes were encased in dark circles, and his dark hair clung to his head.

"What are you doing here? I told you I had to write, and that I'd text you in a few days..."

"That was a week ago Rori. Your mom texted me, and told me 'to get you the hell outta this room.'" Edwin flicked the lights on, seemingly worried. Never mind I often locked myself in my room, yet it was never for this long.

"You know I can't, I have to finish it! It's eating me alive!"

"You are going outside even if I have to drag you out there." It was strange how he could keep both his face and his voice so calm, especially when his voice was dripping frustration.

"Edwyn!" It didn't matter.

"Rori!" He raised a brow at me, almost daring me to do what we both knew would come next.



"MOM!!!!" I screamed down the stairs, expecting her to at least come up.

"RORI, YOU'RE GOING!" She screamed back in response, causing an evil smirk to appear on his smug little face.

"Agh, you're ruining my writing process!" I was perfectly okay with whining at this point. I didn't want to go outside, let alone with people, even if it was just Edwyn.

"Sorry to break to you, Hun, but it needs to be ruined." He smiled sweetly, grabbing my shoulders "Now go shower, you smell like a homeless man!"

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