Diagon alley and quidditch

Start from the beginning

"Say we should release a snitch?" I suggest.

"Definitely not," Oliver turns me down.

"You're right. You wouldn't be able to catch it," I tease.

"Maybe so. I'm no seeker."

"That's what makes you a keeper," I wink.


"Wow. That was so amusing. The thing you just did. Perhaps pursue a career in comedy," I say in a monotone voice.

He rolls his eyes and chuckles. Suddenly I think about what Hermione and Ginny said about getting with Oliver. Maybe he was attractive. In an athletic Gryffindor kind of way. Which aren't bad things. I don't know why I described it as a bad thing.

"You know. I good quidditch player has a foundation in all the positions. I guess seeker is just too difficult for you though. It's a shame. I really looked up to you," I taunt.

"Fine. Get it out before I change my mind."

I smile and ride off to get the snitch.

"Alright! I've changed my mind. This is a horrible idea. We'd be out here all night," Oliver yells.

I smile ignoring him and release the snitch. It was the middle of the day and in bright daylight. We'd be fine. I toss him the quaffle.

"You're right we aren't seekers. Let's play a bit of quidditch. I try and score you block. As always," I smirk.

An hour goes by. We switch positions a few times. I was a lousy keeper. Oliver was a decent chaser though. He made every goal against me. Except one and that was pure luck. Even the strategies I used for keeper didn't work. I was just not made for it. To think Oliver was such a good keeper and I was helping him too when I can't even block a single goal.

"Rusty Blue?" Oliver laughs.

"Just didn't want you to feel bad. What if I hurt your pride when you find out I'm a better keeper than you?" I smirk.

"Aw can't hurt me that easily Blue. Besides we clearly see who's the better keeper," Oliver rolls his eyes.

"You're on Wood," I sneer.

He shoots the ball at the bottom left hoop. I tilt my broom left and jump off it. I catch the quaffle before it goes in and lands back on my broom. I had been trying to play like Oliver, like a keeper when I was always meant to be a chaser.

"I have to admit, I'm mildly impressed," Oliver shrugs.

"Whatever Wood -" My gaze drops to something glinting in the light. The snitch I dive for it. It swerves in another direction and I fly towards it. Oliver had figured out that I had seen it and decided to follow. Then the snitch heads directly towards him. I say a slew of curse words and speed up. I was gonna get this snitch. Oliver had the same idea and went towards the snitch too. I was hoping he's get intimidated and swerve out of my way. We were both far too competitive for that though.

I reach out for the snitch and then I fall. Oliver and I both fall actually. Us and our brooms made me panic.

"Protect the brooms," I yell.

Bones could be healed but my poor broom. Once it was splintered I'd have to buy a new one.

Oliver didn't look like he was making the connection so I reach for the brooms. I grab them both and hug them. This was such a long fall. Godric I hope we're alive when we hit the ground. I close my eyes and feel Oliver hugging me to try and take most of the fall. I huddle closer to him as we fall. If he was offering himself as a shield I was surely gonna use it. Then we finally reach the ground. I never feel the impact. Still huddled closely to Oliver I feel his grip loosen.

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