Draco and I was spending a lot of time together. Everything was just like when we were kids but sometimes we kissed. One of us would wake up and go wake the other. Then we'd make breakfast together sort through our mail. Fred and George sent me a lot of letters. George more than Fred but it meant a lot that they cared to write. I also got letters from Hermione, Luna, Cho, and the occasional letter from Harry. A few others would also send 1 or 2 letters but those few were the most frequent. After that Draco and I would decide what to do for the rest of the day. Sometimes we swam, studied, played quidditch, or something else. It was fun but I was missing the others. Once the 2 months were over I decided to go to the Burrow. I sent Molly a letter, she was far too kind to say no. Fred and George had picked up Harry from his Aunt. Hermione was also on her way over. I packed my things and headed over to the Burrow.

I had told Molly and Ginny to keep my visit secret. I arrived at the Burrow and was let in by Ginny. I went to unpack my stuff in the room I was sharing with Ginny and Hermione. I caught up with Ginny. She was always so cheerful to see me. She told me all about her first year at Hogwarts and I told her about quidditch. She was trying out next year. I also told her about this great dueling club Dumbledore would let me set up. She obviously promised that she would join. I'm sure everyone at the Burrow would join. Even Percy.

After a while, I decided to go to the twin's room.

"You know they've been talking about you non-stop. You and Malfoy that is," Ginny said.

"And know you're curious?" I raise a brow.

Ginny smiles in response pulling me back into the room.

"Alright Alright. Well, what do you want to know."

"What's his favorite color?"


"Favorite fruit?"

"Green Apple."

"Favorite thing to do?"


"Why do you like him?"

"...He's sweet. Cares a lot. Makes me laugh. He just wants to be happy. I don't pity him but I want to protect him and be around him. Plus we've known each other since forever."

"I guess that makes sense. I just don't understand what you'd see in Malfoy. Especially since Harry and my brother are in love with you," Ginny sighs.

"Your brother? Ron or Percy?" I ask amused.

"There's no way you're that dim. Aren't you a Ravenclaw? Fred," Ginny rolls her eyes at my confusion.

"Whatever it doesn't matter since you're with Draco anyways." Ginny leads me to the twins' room.

As we walk closer I hear them talking. I hold Ginny's arm so she knows to stop so I can eavesdrop. She laughs and joins me.

"You know we could ask Ash to play quidditch with us. She's really good. Plus she went all the way to Scottland to play with Oliver sooooooo," George says.

"She played with Oliver?" Fred asks.

"Blimey, do you not read the letters he sends us. Here," George throws Fred a letter.

Dear team,

Remember to stay in shape over the summer. As soon as we get back I am making all of you run laps. Don't lose your skill over the summer. Would hate to lose you during tryouts. Play with a friend or your family. I even played with Blue and we're countries apart. NO EXCUSES.

Oliver wood.

"Whatever. She'd probably bring Draco. He plays quidditch too. I do not want to see him over the summer," Fred shuffles around the room.

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