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Okay so here's the deal, this is a mix of many batman media's from movies to comics to shows.

Trigger warning for almost every chapter, I'll try and warn beforehand but I may forget or have forgotten, also I'm too lazy to edit them right now so it's unedited, hopefully not too bad.

Cast will be very... interesting to say the least. In this story *spoiler alert* there will be three jokers similar to how in the comics "The Three Jokers". I know this sounds confusing but hear me out, it'll make for some great storylines. Keep in mind that characters and how the actors played them will be different, it's just how I see them. Anyways let's get the cast show on the road...


Joker One - Criminal Joker, played by Heath Ledger

Joker Two - Clown Joker, played by Cameron Monaghan

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Joker Two - Clown Joker, played by Cameron Monaghan

Joker Two - Clown Joker, played by Cameron Monaghan

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oker Three - Comedian Joker, played by Joaquin Phoenix

oker Three - Comedian Joker, played by Joaquin Phoenix

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Joker One is the anarchist, the one who started out as a criminal and then cut up his face. Joker Two has a similar background story to Jerome, he was born at Haly's Circus and ended up going crazy and killing his mother, so basically Jerome but instead looks like Jeremiah. Joker Three is the one who started out as a Comedian, his jokes weren't appreciated enough, was a social outcast who was bullied and so he killed people.

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