48 - You did, and now you fix it

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POV Elizabeth Jacobs

James had jumped of the bed. "No, No. Lizzy very bad idea."

"I know. I still haven't answered yet. I don't want to give him the wrong impression."

"Good. But maybe we can use it. Let's see how Lorenzo does with that."

"No, that's a bad idea, James. We talk tomorrow about it. I'm going to sleep."

He nodded "Fine but think about it."

The next morning, I got a call from Ana.

Ana: Andrei invited you?

Lizzy: yeah, he told you?

Ana: of course he did.

Lizzy: it's a bad idea uh?

Ana: That depends on what you want from him.

Lizzy: I don't want any more than friendship. I don't want to give the wrong impression. To nobody.

Ana: you know his feelings about you

Lizzy: Exactly why I don't want to give him falls hope.

Ana: Indeed. But I would love to have you as my sister-in-law.

Lizzy: Ana, not happening.

Ana: Yeah, Yeah. Is James around? I found something in his room. A gift, beautifully wrapped. I didn't know James could do that.

Lizzy: I groaned. Blue wrapping?

Ana: Yeah

Lizzy: That's mine. You can throw it away.

Ana: Are you sure?

Lizzy: Look Ana, it was for Lorenzo's birthday. Given the circumstances, I decided against it to give it to him. So please, just throw it away.

Ana: If you say so. I have to go, Aleks is awake. Say Hi to James and to Andrei from me.

Lizzy: will do, bye Ana. I miss you

Ana: We miss you too Lizzy

POV Lorenzo Romano

Andrei invited Lizzy to Russia, at his home?! I didn't hear the inertly conversation, only Ana's part. But it was enough. "Oh, hey Lorenzo" Ana said to me

"Ana, your brother needs to back off. She is mine."

"Does Lizzy know that, Lorenzo?"


"I don't think so Lorenzo. From what Julia told me, James and Lizzy believe that you are dating Kelly. She is a free woman. When was the last time that you talked to her?"

"When she stayed over at the hotel. That was last weekend. But she left me in the morning."

"Oh boy, still stupid. Maybe she was confused. Scared to give you the wrong impression. That you'd think everything was back to normal."

"I thought that was her way of saying goodbye."

Ana signed "She only wants you, Lorenzo."

"I stopped talking to her. I thought that's what she wanted."

"I don't think so. She is only scared to let you back in."

"Of course, she is. I treated her like crap."

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