Chapter 19: We're Back

Start from the beginning

Ruby: Someone?

Carley: It's a long story.

We go upstairs. Louis sets AJ down on a couch. Ruby puts her hand on his forehead.

Ruby: He's running a fever. Body's trying to fight infection, poor little guy.

Violet: These guys will take care of him. You guys come with me. We can talk in the office.

AJ: Mom, Dad?

Ruby: Shhh, you just try to rest, okay? We're gonna fix you right up.

AJ: Mom, Dad?!

Clem: AJ, listen to Ruby, okay? She'll look after you. Come on, what do we do when we're scared? When fear starts to get the upper hand?

Y/N: We say...

AJ: Mom said I can't swear.

Clem: We can make an exception. What do we do? We say...

AJ: We say fuck off to fear.

AJ: I'm good now.

Violet: Clementine, Y/N, please. We need to talk.

Y/N: Mom, Scarlett can you two stay with AJ please?

Scarlett: Okay Papi.

We walk into Marlon's office and I set Clem into a chair.

Clem: Thanks teddy bear.

Y/N: Anything for you.

Violet: What happened out in the woods... I saw they had you both pinned, and I...shit, I got so crazy.

Violet: I wanted to help you two, but when you told us to run, I had to trust you. Thank you for protecting us. It was really brave.

Violet: I really thought you were both dead. It's just, everything is so fucked right now, you know? Everyone is scared.

Clem hugs Violet.

Clem: It's really good to see you again.

Violet: It's good to see you again too. Just wish Mitch and the others felt the same.

Violet walks up and hugs me.

Y/N: Nice to see you Vi.

Violet: Nice to see you too.

Violet pulls away from the hug.

I kiss her on the cheek.

Violet: Louis and I told them what happened in the woods. That woman who attacked you two--

Y/N/Clem: Lilly.

Violet: So you two do know her. We were wondering. Who the hell is she? I mean, I know you're not, like, with her group. But the others don't like the coincidence. Her showing up right after you guys? I mean...

Clem: She's horrible. She always has been. Her dad was a racist asshole, and she defended everything he did.

Violet: Great. As if we didn't have more than enough dickheads already.

Clem: She knocked out Mom during an argument.

Y/N: It was right at the start. We haven't seen Lilly since.

Violet: I believe you guys.

Clem: But?

Violet: There's something else. Willy said someone was with you two at the gates?

Clem: James. He saved us, let us stay in his camp for the night.

Violet: But why did you bring him here? You led him right to us. I mean, he's a stranger, guys. Running into those two in the woods, it proved we can't trust anybody.

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