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Roy McCarthy—

Thursday, February 11th:

I'm in the Mission Control Room and it's big. There are a lot of agents here and it looks like they're from all different departments. The Mission Control Room is a department for all events of the MCC who'll take part in a mission. When my friends and I entered the room, nobody paid any attention to us and were completely focused on their work. They look like robots, honestly.

"Here we have Candy Huang who is the leader of the Mission Control Team. She basically makes sure everybody is doing their work and stuff," Benjamin says.. Candy gives us a smile and I see her jotting notes on her massive clipboard that will probably explode if she adds any more paper.

"Look over there," Matthew says, nudging my shoulder. I turn and see a huge screen with the map of the world.

"That is satellite imaging," Benjamin says. "It's a way for us to know where each MCC agent is." This is kinda cool. There are multiple red dots on the map so I believe they represent MCC agents.

Suddenly, a message appears on the screen. You can communicate on this screen too? Looks like the MCC is pretty advanced.

"You guys may go through records of past missions," Candy says, coming over. "Or you can go around and ask our agents some questions, but please don't bother them if they're busy." She emphasized the last part meaning she probably doesn't want us to disturb any of the workers here. She just wants us to sit quietly in a corner and be the kids she thinks we are. How impudent.

"I want to look at the old records," I tell George. I find a chair that is extremely uncomfortable, but it looks the best out of all those broken ones. I grab the big binder dated a decade ago and begin flipping through it. George is looking through the one from two years ago.

The first name I see is Adams Agenos. So he has been on missions before? I really don't know much about that bastard, but it seems like he's worked for the MCC or maybe helped them. Mr. A's name is in a lot of missions so it's safe to assume that he did work for the MCC and a high position at that because he was the leader of all the groups sent out to missions.

Mr. A was already level 20 back in the days. I wonder how much stronger he's gotten.

I flip through more pages and the tasks are a bit weird from time to time. For example, a group of 5 agents were sent to another country to tame gigantic spiders that eat people. I didn't know those creatures even exist. I'm pretty sure all spiders I know doesn't exceed a human's height.

Anyway, I come across two other familiar names—David McCarthy and Rosella Morso. I mean, I know my dad goes on MCC missions sometimes, but I didn't know he went on a mission when I was four, maybe I just forgot.

Rosella Morso. I think I heard Mr. Faws mention her. She was the one who was involved in the school incident, right? Apparently she works for the science department, specifically under biology. Rosella went on a lot of missions to find exotic herbs and she is damn powerful as well. She's level 17 a decade ago! She might even become Family Leader now if she's strong enough. But then there is already a Family Leader for the Morsos so I guess she can't. I remember seeing her once when she came to my house to give my mom and dad their wedding present. She was a tall and graceful lady and I'm pretty sure the little girl and boy from the time was her children because they were the only Morsos around.

Anyway, the rest of this record keeping is boring. There are only a few interesting tasks like wiping out an evil organization or preventing something bad from happening to the entire work. Yeah, i know it sounds too fake, but come on, abilities are not just for finding a new mineral or stopping a huge leak. Although the one where a group stopped a huge earthquake was interesting.

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