13 pt 2

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"The first challenge is...... cooking". Reflect said.

"What" some of the class asked all at once.

"You heard me, when being a pro hero, you must be able to know atleast the basics in cooking because they will be times when you all will have to go on missions and you will have to be able to survive.... the next challenge will be about actually training".

Everyone went to make breakfast, when class 1b joined them.
The girls got the ingredients, the guys cut it up, persons with fire base quirks lit the fireside to the cook the meal.

 The girls got the ingredients, the guys cut it up, persons with fire base quirks lit the fireside to the cook the meal

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Afterwards, with the adults

"What do you think?" Aizawa asked
"Well, everyone has full points so far because of the teamwork.... this activity is just to make up time until the trainees get here" Reflect replied.
"They should be here in about 5-10 minutes" hanji said looking at her watch.




Time skipped.....

"Levviiii!" Commander Zoe yell as she ran and hugged the guy that just walked in, along two females.
"Get off me four eyes!" The short guy hanji grabbed said/yelled.

"Everyone, this is Captain Levi Ackerman of the survey crops, the female with the black short hair is the cousin and teammate Mikasa Ackerman and the blond is a trainer, and former member of the survey crops Anna Lambert."


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"It's nice to meet you"

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"It's nice to meet you"

They all spoke for sometime and let them change before introducing them to the students.

'These students are going to wish they never applied for UA'

Reflect called all the students back together after they had finished eating and make the announcement of the trainees and next challenge.

"Announcement everyone! We will be moving on to our next activity and this one is actual training. Before we announce the activity, there are someone's whom we will like for you all to meet. Please welcome captain Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman and Anna Lambert from the survey crops in Germany Paradise"
"First thing first, gets into groups of five..... you know what, I will pick the groups" a few of the students groaned and some just look deflected.

"Group 1- Bakugo, Kirishima, Aoyama, Monoma, Anuradha.

"Group 2- Alexa, Brock, Jason, Ashido, Sero.

"Group 3- Jirou, Kaminari, Mina, Tsu, Uraraka

"Group 4- Shiozaki, Tetsutetsu, Rin, Tsunotori, Yanagi

"Group 5- iida, Shoto, Yaoyorzu, Kendo, Hagakure

"Group 6-  Ojiro, Kouda,
Satou, Shouji, Mineta.

Group 7- Tokoyami, Fukidashi, Tokage, Kamakirl, Kuroiro

Group 8- Komori, Kaibara, Shishida, Tsuburaba, Honenuki

Group 9- Awasa, Shoda, Bondo, Kodai

"Right! Now that everyone's in groups, we can start, Our next challenge is...... Quirkless combat!"

"What! Why, I don't wanna be like those Quirkless freaks!" We all know who said that.... bakugo and some others agreed with him. Just like a switch, Reflects mood changed from cheerful to dead*ss serious. Reflect mood was officially ruined.

"If I hear you say that sh!t again, I will make sure you fail and remove from the hero course. You all are here to be heros, that means you have to be open minded, you need help other no matter if they have a quirk or not. Quirks aren't everything. If I hear ANYONE say sh!t like that again.... you will have to face me. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir" they all mumbled.


"Yessir!" The students and even some teachers said.

"Good" reflect then motion for Aizawa to continue for him while he stepped aside to cool of.

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