2 (short chapter)

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"Great, everyone please welcome our newest teacher at Ua"

"From now on call me reflect "

To be continued.....


(Note that izuku is 22 and all the pros are in there upper 20's to lower 30's)

Nezu's POV

"Also, he would not start working here the same time as some of you." After I said that, I got alot of confused looks.
"Mr.Midoriya would start about say two weeks or a month into the term so he could have time to analyze the students to know how to help them improve" I continued.
"But I could do all that during entrance exam" Izuku said.
"I know, but I want to observe the students behaviors before you start"

"Also, No one is to know he is here at Ua, word must not came out about him being here, if the media was to find out about him being here before he makes his appearance in to the term.... there will be serious consequences" I said seriously.

The meeting finished about an half an hour later, Mr. Midoriya left and everyone else started to asked questions.

"One at a time, Vlad, what's your question"

"What is the real reason for hiring him and why has none of us ever met him before?" Vlad king asked.

"To answer to the first question, he is very interesting, he is almost as powerful as all might, the only thing stopping him from being the #1 hero is that he doesn't want to be #1, he wants to earn the spot by himself" I answered. Everyone was interested as to what I did just say, some freeze when I said he was 'interesting' I don't know why.

"And the second question?" Present mic asked.

"I'm not sure why none of you here hasn't him but I used to personal train him for some time when he was in middle school a few years ago."

"Y-you trained him?" Present mic stuttered.

"Yes of course, he was my favorite and only student that could keep up with me" I said proudly.

"What was the actual main reason for this meeting?" Endeavor asked annoyed.

"Well, for you all to meet him but unfortunately he could not stay back to talk, he was in a hurry"

"Is he single~?" midnight asked.

"No he's not, he's taken and no I'm not telling anyone who he is in a relationship with"

"What is his quirk?" All might asked.

"I'm not suppose to say but it has something to do with analyzing"

"Is he an problem child?" Aizawa asked. It took a second process what he asked.

"Well, in a way.... I mean.... I really do not know how to answer that" I said honestly.

. . .

"So he is"

To be continued.......

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