Chapter 22: Kamiyama Ayato wants to rest

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3rd POV. Counseling Room, Student Council Building.

Ayato: So, you have trouble in studying for exams?

Client: Yes.

Ayato: Is there anything that bothers you recently?

Client: No, it's just, I really can't focus studying.

Ayato: Distracted?

Client: Sometimes, but I can feel pressured.......

Client: You know how Shuchiin values grades, right?

Ayato: Yeah, I know what you mean. The Prez is the prime example here.

Client: But still, I can't imagine him still maintaining Rank 1 despite working himself to death as the Student Council President.

Ayato drinks water from his thermos.

Ayato: I know what you mean. I always told him that take it in moderation.......

Ayato: But well.......I guess he has a reputation to keep.

Client: What about you, Kamiyama?

Ayato: Me? Well, I always focus on the most important points in each lesson.

Ayato: Since I can't afford to be exhausted, I have to create new ways on how to study.

Client: Really? How?

Ayato: Hmmmm, what I usually do is......

Ayato: First up, whenever I take notes, I always follow what the teacher is saying, especially the important terms.

Ayato: Here's an example.

Ayato: In Literature, the current scope of the exams are: the parts of the plot, parts of speech, and how image is used in modern literature.

Ayato: For the parts of the plot, always remember this order: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution.

Ayato: Think of it as a pyramid.

Ayato: If you're beginning at the base of the pyramid, that is where you usually assess what you're going to do or the basic info you have, right?

Client: Yes, like mountain climbing.

Ayato: Good. That is exposition or what others call as introduction.

Ayato: That is where the characters and setting of the story will be introduced, or in some cases like novels, they will have the prologue which will provide us a glimpse of the current situation of the story, or usually, that is like a preview of the protagonist's origins.

Ayato: Remember, the exposition is where you'll get the basic info of the story, the setting, and the characters.

Ayato: Next, rising action. From the word rise, this is where things are going to begin. Like the protagonist's journey or when they begin looking for something.

Ayato: That is also where the conflict of the story will begin to unravel itself.

Ayato: Next is the climax, this is considered to be the most important part of the story. Why? Because now that the conflict is revealed, and the protagonist already found a way in solving the conflict.......

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