Chapter 8: Ayato's Part-time work.

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3rd POV. Ayato's Room, Kamiyama Residence. Saturday, 8:19 AM.

It's the ordinary Saturday for none other than Kamiyama Ayato, the Counselor of the Student Council.

However, whenever he is inside their home, he is just Ayato. The Ayato that Shuchiin knows is always calm, wise, and there are rumors that he can actually take over the school if he wanted to.

However, Ayato found this rumor as funny and insane. With his illness, taking over a prestigious academy is impossible for him.

While inside the house, he is just carefree and responsible. Although he really can't help much in household chores, he's still doing everything that he can to help his grandmother.

Besides from helping his grandmother in her flower shop (while Misa and Isshiki will take his place for him and help his grandmother), Ayato works as a photographer in a photography service agency.

How did Ayato even became a photographer? It all began during the time when he was around sixth grade. When he, Misa, and Isshiki are at the garden in Isshiki's mansion, Ayato is looking around the flower arrangement and was fascinated with them.

This didn't go unnoticed to the other two as they are somehow thinking on what to give to Ayato during his birthday.

Since Ayato's birthday falls on Christmas Eve, Misa and Isshiki decided to always buy a birthday and Christmas gift to Ayato. Each year, they will swap on who will give the birthday and the Christmas gift.

And during that time, Ayato is actually turning 12, and his two friends are freaking out on what will they give to him.


Flashback. 3rd POV. Garden, Ikeda Estate. Five days before Ayato's 12th birthday.

While Ayato is entranced by the flowers in the garden.

Misa and Isshiki are having a strategy meeting.

Isshiki: So, what should we give to Ayato during his 12th birthday.

Misa: Hmmmmm........

Misa: I mean, Ayato-kun is really simple.

The two of them continue to observe Ayato, who is still looking around the flowers.

Isshiki: We can't just give him a flower crown, no?

Misa: *lightly karate chops Isshiki's head*

Isshiki: Ow! What was that for!?

Misa: Idiot. We need to give him something he can use for a very long time.

Isshiki: Like what.....?

Misa: Remember when Ayato asked Granny Moriko to knit us a scarf for our birthday gifts?

Isshiki: Yeah!

Misa: And remember where Ayato-kun and I gave you a sheet music?

Isshiki: Yeah, yeah. Also, remember the time where Ayato and I gave you that cooking set you love.

Misa: Yeah, but this time, it's Ayato-kun. He's the last every year.

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