Chapter 10: Chika Fujiwara wants to know

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3rd POV. Fujiwara Residence.

The words that Ayato said before he went home..........

It got Chika to think of what is Ayato's dark secret.

Chika and the rest of the Student Council knew that Ayato was born frail, or that's what Ayato told them.

But little by little, the Student Council members began to think that there is still something beyond Ayato's physical condition.

Getting tired easily, followed by being pale, weak physical prowess.

Those were the things that Fujiwara Chika is currently thinking as of now, while she's laying on her bed and staring at the ceiling of her room.

Chika: Hm, pale skin, fatigue, weakness.......

She searched the internet for answers and the results were something that surprised her.

Chika: No way! Is this true!?

Chika searched up for more information and she tries to connect the dots and what she knows so far.

Chika: Kamiyama-kun is physically weak, then he gets tired easily, and when he gets tired easily, he gets pale........

Chika: Combine all of this and........

Chika: Anemia........but there are different types of anemia!

Chika: But, if Kamiyama-kun has anemia, what type is it?

Chika: Hmmm........but are we really sure that Kamiyama-kun has anemia? Maybe he's only just born with a frail body. Yet, the symptoms are present.

Chika: He said that he's already frail from birth.........

Chika: Ugh........

Chika: But one of the treatments for anemia is blood transfusion. Maybe I can donate blood to him!

Chika: But I don't know his blood type.

Chika: Maybe the prez knows!

Chika sent a text to the Prez and asked about Ayato's blood type.

Miyuki: Kamiyama's blood type? Hmmm.......he never even mentioned his blood type.

Miyuki: But I think I saw it in the records.

Chika: I forgot what the records stated.

Miyuki: If my memory is correct, I think it's Rhnull.

Chika: Rh what?

Miyuki: Even I myself was surprised when he wrote that. I mean, does such a blood type exist?

Miyuki: And after searching.........

Miyuki: Actually, I just searched it up.

Chika: Can you give me the link?

Miyuki: *sent a link*

Miyuki: Check for yourself. Also, why did you asked about his blood type?

Chika: I think Kamiyama-kun has anemia.

One Thousand Flowers (Chika x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें