Chapter 17: Just the two of us

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Ayato's POV. Student Council Room.

It's rather quiet, and it's unusual for this to be quiet in the Student Council.

I wonder what is going on.

I mean......the Prez, Shinomiya-san, and Ishigami are telling me to just relax for a while and they have important things to do, especially about the budgeting of the clubs.

It's reasonable since the Prez will lead the meeting, Shinomiya-san will support the Prez in any case something happens, and Ishigami is the one who'll present the budget in order to have clear transparency.

Well, the work is getting more and more heavy. Our two senpais who was actually the General Affairs Officer, and our auditor are always out of the Student Council.

Apparently, there was a huge rift that happened between the second years and the thrid years........but I don't really care what caused such event.

Also, it's only rare for times like this to happen.

Although the student council room is quiet, it doesn't necessary that I'm alone.

In fact, the ones who were left behind the student council room, are me and Fujiwara-san.

As of now, she's also taking it easy as she finished her work.

Chika: Say, Kamiyama-kun, it's rare for things like this to happen.

Ayato: Yeah.

Ayato: My mind is totally at peace but sometimes, I also want to have a one-on-one talk with someone.

Chika: Ah, like you do with your clients?

Ayato: No, I mean, people I know.

Chika: Oh, I see.

Chika: Then, why don't we take this chance to have talks about random topics.

Ayato: Hmmmm.......

Ayato: Wait, before that.......

Ayato: Would you mind if you call me just by my name.

Chika: Eh? What's this all of a sudden?

Ayato: I know it's somehow a burden for others to address me in my family name due to how long it is and the meaning.

Chika: Ah, right. But, how do you write your family name anyway?

Ayato: Hmmmm........

I took a piece of paper as Fujiwara-san looks at how I write my name on it.

Ayato: The kanji used in kami is this "神" which means "god."

Ayato: While the kanji used in yama is this "山" which means mountain.

Ayato: Combine the two, it would mean, "divine mountain" or "God's mountain."

Ayato: It's not only a reference to the Kamiyama town in Shikoku........

Ayato: It is also a reference to the early worship of Mt. Fuji, the sacred mountain of the gods.

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