Chapter 16: Chika Fujiwara wants to test them out

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Ayato's POV. Ayato's Counseling Office, Student Council Building.

Ayato: So, you're telling me.........

Ayato: Your girlfriend cheated on you?

I laid my back on my chair as I ask my client, who asked me how to deal with......his girlfriend who cheated on him.

Client: Yes. I-I mean, I don't even know what to do! Should I just straight up confront her and just break up with her?

Client: But if I do that, the situation will just get even worse than it is!

Ayato: Caught between a rock and a hard place.........

Ayato: *sigh*

Ayato: When did you find out that she's cheating on you?

Ayato asked as he drank water from his tumbler.

Client: Just recently.........

Ayato: *gulp*

Ayato: Recently? How recent?

Client: One month ago..........I think........

Ayato: You think?

Ayato: Look, I need you, to get your mind straight here because if you're scatterbrained, how the heck am I going to give you an advice?

Ayato: Because if you're mental state is on that situation, what you really need is a vacation.

Ayato: So, if you can't pull yourself together, then I won't be able to help you deal with the situation.


Ayato: If you can do that right here, right now.........then I'll be able to give you an advice.

Client: Get myself together...........

Ayato: Try slapping yourself or slamming your head on the wall til your brain wakes up or something.

My client slapped himself and slammed his head on my desk, and after a few moments.........

Client: Yeah, right.......what am I even doing?

Client: The hell's wrong with me. The blame lies within me........she cheated on me because........

Client: I'm helping my parents in the business since I am their only heir and my father's condition is getting worse..........

Client: Although mother can still keep up.......I don't want to burden her any further.

Ayato: .............

Ayato: Then, the fault lies within her.

Client: Huh!?

He sat up.

Client: It's her fault?

Ayato: Yeah. For not even understanding the current situation that you're in.

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