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"Let's see if Josie has better luck..." Scott sighed, helping the people that were injured from Hope.

"I wouldn't count on it since she's gone and so are Freya and Hayley'' Caroline entered the room with a concerned look.

"What?!" Most of them exclaimed and exchanged looks.

Most had defeated looks on their faces and the others were losing faith on even trying anymore.

"So now what?" Derek asked, crossing his arms.

"Now what?! What are we supposed to even do anymore?!" Rafael exclaimed, shaking his head.

"We keep trying," Isaac muttered, looking away trying to think of something.

"Why don't we just understand that Hope doesn't want our help! Isaac I understand you want to help her but at some point we need to give up" Lizzie told the boy with an apologetic look

"She wouldn't give up so we aren't either!" Isaac retorted, making the girl sigh and turn over to Caroline.

"I hope everyone keeps the same energy as him..." everyone turned to look at Hope who was entering the compound. "...you'll need it"

"What are you doing here?" Lizzie stepped forward sending the girl a glare.

"Oh don't be mad at me your sister is off the trails again and she took the only two smart people so without them you guys are basically useless so...all of you are going to help me get my coffins back and kill Josie" hope explained with a smirk on her face but she had zero emotion.

"We're not going to help you kill Josie," Scott stated, stepping closer. "We will help you get your family back and get Josie back"

"See that will be hard, unlike me Josie has no control over herself now me I'm more aware of what I'm doing she's just doing it out of spite" Hope shrugged and folded her hands on her chest.

"The only reason you have control is because there is still emotion in you, Hope just an ounce that is trying to make its way back" Caroline said to the girl.

"Can we just stop with the 'trying to get Hope back' she's not coming back there's no emotion in me okay?" Hope retorted to the blonde.

"Then why are you trying to get them back? You call them coffins but they're your family and like you said Josie has no control which is why you want them back because you knew you could keep them safe but Josie won't because she doesn't care and you do. That is emotion Hope"

Hope looked at Caroline with a face of anger or sadness or maybe frustration that she was right on what she was saying.

Everyone in the room could see it, the emotion wanting to slip out, they exchanged some looks but Hope managed to push them away again like she had been doing the whole time.

𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘴- tw x tvduWhere stories live. Discover now