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"Dr. Saltzman!" MG went to Alaric immediately hugging him.

Hope still stood shocked at the sight of Landon not even noticing the person next to him. When everyone heard the name they turned to Isaac seeing the jealous look on his face.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?!" Lizzie got up from her seat walking towards them.

"Hey beautiful" Mg smiled at Lizzie who just rolled her eyes.

"Hope?" Landon began to walk towards her which made her snap out her trance.

Josie looked at everyone in the room feeling the tension. Hope wanted to go and hug landon but she didn't know if it was okay to but he did it anyways.

Isaac stood in his spot sending the boy a glare and just looked down.

Hope eventually hugged back but not completely. Once Landon felt she was uncomfortable he let go to look at her and everyone around her.

"How are you here..." she asked, then looked behind him to see Rafael. "Raf..." the girl quickly moved past Landon and immediately hugged the wolf who hugged back as well.

Landon scrunched his brows and turned to see Josie with a questioning face; the twin remained silent looking around to see everyone's faces of shock.

"What's going on?" MG leaned over to Lizzie asking in a low tone.

"This is about to get awkward..." Lizzie replied and stepped forward. "Ok...first of all how the hell are you here?"

"Malivoire portal we've been back home trying to figure it out" Landon replied, still trying to look at Hope who had let go of Rafael.

"But you were dead..." Lizzie stated.

"I was until the necromancer helped me back...look what's going on was clearly in another dimension or something..." Landon tried to explain but got frustrated at how everyone was looking at him.

"Landon, how are you here? How do you even remember us?" Hope finally directed a word towards her.

"Is this what you saw?" Hayley stood next to Lydia who nodded.

"I tried to tell you guys..." the girl replied then turned to Scott who was looking at Hope and Landon.

"I knew you were missing Kinda like the first time you jumped in I knew something was missing and it was you then suddenly one day we all woke up remembering you guys then some blue light was leading us to the portal that's how we ended up here" Landon explained while MG and Rafael nodded.

"What about him? How is he here?" Josie questioned, pointing to Rafael.

"Well while we didn't remember you guys we remembered him and kinda found a way to bring him back..." MG replied.

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