Maybe..... that accident did her some good. It sounds bad but she is more carefree now, after the accident. Or.. it's  because of the family that took care of her. She wanted to meet them, to thank them for taking care of her for all these years.

Riley ran to the room she saw Vincent for the first time and entered the room, excitedly.

"KNOCK. DAMN IT." Vincent yelled out angrily making Riley wince.

Her excitement died deep inside and was left with wariness. She didn't like that feeling. It felt like the good turns to dust in her biological father's presence.

Her parents never once talked to her that way. Even when she once accidentally interrupted an important call her dad was on, he simply gestured her to keep quiet and sit on the chair if she wanted.

Riley bit the inside of her lower mouth to keep the emotions inside.

"I- Nancy. Nancy didn't tell me you bought me the clothes so I didn't wear them." Riley said clutching her top tightly, nervously.

Vincent looked at her with a raised eyebrow and scanned from head to toe, making Riley squirm in her place.

She didn't understand one bit why she wanted to consider him her father yet again. She didn't like the way she feels next to him.

"That explains why you never wore them." Vincent said looking away, as if deep in thoughts. Riley then released a deep breathe she didn't know she was holding.

'Well atleast he noticed.'

"Did she tell you anything else?" He questioned her.

"Huh?" Riley made a sound from the back of her throat, looking baffled.

"Like.. about the family outings?" He asked, almost nervous.

Riley shook her head instinctively and mentally facepalmed herself for forgetting she was pretending to be Lillian.

"No wonder you always turned down my invitation." He muttered quietly, more to himself than to her.

She was glad that she answered right as she knew Lillian wouldn't have turned down anyone. She just couldn't say 'no'.

And her mood was lifted once again when it dawned on her that he asked her to dine with him. He did consider her his daughter after all!

"Do you have her address?" She asked with excited wide eyes.

Vincent nodded, giving her a strange look and went through the top drawer of his desk before pulling out a file.

"What do you plan on doing?" He asked with a frown. If it was the previous Lillian, he was sure she wouldn't have done anything but this Lillian is different. She is unpredictable.

Hell she has lied to his wife and admitted it to him without caring that he might just kick her out. Again.

"Hold on." Vincent called out to her when she was about to leave.

Riley froze up. She almost smiled, his voice sounded weak. He wasn't his usual businessman self that had rock for a heart instead a dad that was nervous to talk to his daughter.

"So you didn't really choose to stay in the attic?"

Riley's face froze when he asked that question. He sounded nervous. True. But her internals were churning at the thought of living in the attic. The cold and isolated place was where her sister stayed in for 16 years? But..... Nancy, yea it's Nancy's fault. She was supposed to inform her and do her duty, so she can't really blame Vincent for it, right?

Without giving Vincent a reply she left, breathing through her mouth to calm her insides.

It wasn't his fault. She told herself. Nancy was the one to blame for lying to him.

She silently walked past Laura who looked at her in confusion.

She tried to take her mind of the thoughts of her sister living in the attic but it somehow seemed to be engraved in her head.

She took a deep breath and told herself the name of the person that was to be blamed for this. Nancy.

She didn't understand her feelings, which really annoyed herself. Why was she defending that scumbag? It wasn't like he was much better. If he talked to her directly this could've been avoided.

Riley got inside her car and drove to the address that her nemesis lived.

Nancy literally was the reason for the miserable life Lillian lived. Riley was gonna have so much fun putting her behind the bars.

She looked at the tall white building infront of her and decided to get it over with.

She went up to the floor she lived in and knocked on the door before waiting patiently.

After waiting for a minute she decided to knock again, wanting to kick the door down with every passing second.

"Who are you looking for?" A passing person asked.

Riley turned to look at the old woman with a tight expression, still angry.

"Nancy. Nancy Woodman."

"She moved away 3 year ago no clue where she went, dear. She didn't tell you her new adress? Who are you? I'm calling the cops?" She yelled behind Riley as she started to walk away after the first question.

Riley rolled her eyes at being threatened but she highly doubted her captain would be thrilled to know Riley was arrested for something that could've easily been avoided, not after the fuss she made to go undercover as her twin sister.

"Her employer's daughter. She forgot her paycheck." Riley said, not feeling like narrating the whole story of that lie.

She went outside that building and fished her phone out of her pocket.

Riley called the person she goes to, to track any criminals' location or to run a background check.

"Casey. Find me the address of Nancy Woodman."


Author's note

Who is excited to see Issac in the next episode? 😆

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