History Pt. 4

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"Marvin, quit!" Bridget yelled.

Marvin got off of Anthony and looked down on him. Anthony struggled to get to his feet. As a final blow, Marvin kicked Anthony in his stomach with such force that Anthony was sent flying into the water.

Being in the water wouldn't be a problem. That is if Anthony could swim.

He struggled to keep himself afloat. The pain in his rib cage was too great. He cried out for help but no one was around to hear him. He saw Marvin cart Bridget away. He yelled and screamed but, no. No help. He started to sink and took in the dirty water. He grew tired of flailing about. His lung felt like water balloons on the verge of bursting. Finally, his body gave up and Anthony just went under.

Anthony felt a chilling darkness roll over him. For a moment, he felt at peace until he received a harsh shock. Anthony watched as the EMTs worked to bring him back to life. Before, Tommy had pulled him out of the water and yelled and screamed for anyone could hear him for help. The paramedics began the CPR which gave Anthony little life. As water left Anthony's lungs and mouth, blood accompanied the fluids. His spirit could feel the pain of broken rib and punctured lung. Also, he could feel the water regurgitate from inside his body. Anthony watched as he was carted away to the nearest hospital.

This experience was a terrifying one; being out of his body. Watching in horror and helpless, looking down on himself on the operating table. He was so cold, shaking at the situation. He didn't want to die yet he felt himself slipping away. He tried clinging onto what was left but something was pulling him farther and farther into the darkness. I'm not ready, he thought. He clawed and fought to stay with his family; hearing his mother cry and his little sister whimper. Soon, the darkness consumed him.

He was sure for all he had done that Anthony would be transported to hell. However, as he opened his eyes, a bright light stung. He blinked until everything was clear. He looked around to see his mother, father and sister standing over him. Anthony was given a second chance. He wouldn't waste it. He'd do right and be a good person at all costs if that's what it meant.

"Oh my baby!" she said. Anthony hugged her back. He held her tight and silently shed tears. His dad sat on the other side of the bed and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

That night Anthony prayed to God and thanked him for his forgiveness and the second chance.

The next week at school, Anthony walked up to Brad Herringer during lunch. Brad looked at Anthony cautiously. Anthony extended his hand to Brad. He wasn't so quick to take the hand, but when he did, he shook it and nodded at him approvingly.

Anthony made a complete turn around. He did right. He went from a school bully to a great guy everyone could say they knew. However, Anthony wasn't so quick to trust people anymore. He felt like Bridget betrayed him. He gave himself to a woman that would never actually love him. He regretted all of the terrible deeds he committed, especially sleeping with someone out of wedlock. Anthony made a promise to be cautious of his ways and the people he allowed around him.

Rayna was under the bleachers with Kendrick Halls, smoking a blunt. Kendrick Halls wasn't the type of person she'd hang out with. He had a huge crush on her but Rayna hardly even acknowledged him. To get her attention, he told her he had the hook up on some weed. Rayna was all in if she could get a free blunt. To her disappointment, the blunt they were sharing was weak. The only thing that kept her from leaving was the fact that she refused to go home and deal with her mother while being sober.

"So, y'all moved today?" Kendrick asked trying to make conversation.

"Yeah." Rayna said blandly blowing out a puff of smoke.

Passion In The GameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora