Chapter 7: "Whatever happens here, is gonna disappear.."

Start from the beginning

Normani chuckles, apparently knowing she caught on to who she is. "That's right bitch. Normani."

"This is exactly why I don't like you or her."

Normani chuckles sarcastically. "Oh, what'd she do now.? Call out her own blood.? Please, gimme a break."

"She was disrupting class."

"How the fuck can you disrupt what's not happening.? I mean, really. You suck at your job and as a person."

"Listen to me-"

"No you listen to me bitch."

"Who the fuck are you going off on.?" Lauren asks Normani. While the teacher's blabbing, Normani pulls the phone away from her ear, showing the school's number. Lauren groans. "Not this bitch again." Before taking the phone. "Hello.?" She still blabs over Lauren, causing her to get more stern. "Hello.?"

"I know who you are too, don't try and switch it up to make your case more relevant."

"Excuse me, I didn't switch up shit. Only switching up was done by you bitch."

"Switching up was also done by your apparent child."

"The only shit apparent is your irrelevance. Bye bitch."

Vanessa's POV

There's banging outside the door. So they all get up, and go outside, to see someone around the corner. They punch and fight for a bit, and as the person gets up, they start running towards us again. "Whatever happens here."I pick up the biggest rock I can find and throw it, which surprisingly hit where I wanted it to. And he fell. "Is gonna. Disappear." He says as he's falling.

Camila becomes curious. "Sooooo, what do we do.?"

"Kick him across the street." Normani says pointing to the police station.

"Wait-" is all he says before Dinah stuffs the flowers in his mouth. Normani unties her shoes and ties his arms to his feet.

"Be right back." I say going in my house.
"He's at the police station." I say, referring to my sperm donor, also known as my biological dad.

"He was banging on the door so hard, I thought he was gonna knock it down." My mom says.

"Where's my old phone.?"

"In your room where you left it." She says with a laugh.

"Okay cool. Be right back." I say getting it, cutting it on and running out. It still works and all, it's just cracked. Completely.

"I'm back guys." I say sitting down

"The police person wants you." Dinah says.

"Okay. Hold this." I say handing my phone to Normani and walking in there. "Yeah.?" I say walking in to a female officer. Which gave me some good vibes.

"Oh. Hi." She says looking up at me.

"Hi.!" I laugh being unintentionally cheerful.

"What's your name.?"


"Last name.?"

"Hernandez." I say as she looks up some things on the computer.

"To me it looks like a lot of charges were filed but dropped."

"That sounds about right." I say with a laugh.

"Explain all this to me then."

"There is no legit explanation of it. One day he just did it, and he kept apologizing every time, and giving my mom gifts."

"How old were you.?"


"How old are you now.?"


"Why didn't you say anything.?"

I shrug. "At the beginning, I did. No one listened so I gave up." "I can show better than I can tell you." I pull out my old phone. "Sorry about the screen. It's old."

"It's fine." She says reading the messages. "If nobody listens, keep telling them the same thing until they get tired of it. It works. Trust me." The officer says. "You can go now. If you'd like."

"Yeah I'll go now. Bye." I say leaving out.

"What did they say.?" Dinah and Normani say as soon as they see me.

"Nothing honestly." I say with a laugh.

"Who came up with the idea of flowers.?" The officer says coming out.

"That would be me." Dinah says with a laugh.

"Smart." Is all she says and Dinah gets up and starts dancing.

"Just kidding." Dinah says as she sits down and laughs. "So we leaving now orrr.?" She asks motioning towards the door.

"That's what I was gonna ask." I say as Mani gets up. I get in the car and start playing Karmin.

"Do you want to go back home.?" Normani asks a while later.

"Not necessarily, but yeah sure." I say getting up and bending down to take my bookbag. "Bye Dinah."

Dinah looks up and smiles, hugging me right before I walk out with Mani. "Bye.!"

"Hold on a second." Normani says, leaving the keys in the ignition and getting out. I lock the doors until I see her come back out. She takes the keys and opens my door. My mom comes out of the kitchen. "Oh hey. So how did it go earlier.?"

"Good." We both say in unison. We talk for a while before Normani comes closer. I attempt to roll over out the chair but I fall on the floor.

"Ouch." Normani laughs and picks me up, before she starts singing softly.
Yeah, you got everything with your perfect porcelain
Ain't no one compare to it

You just gotta remind yourself
You can dance like Beyoncé
You can shake like Shakira
'Cause you're brave, yeah, you're fearless
And you're beautiful, you're beautiful
So whine like Rihanna
Go and pose like Madonna
'Cause you're brave, yeah, you're honest
And you're beautiful, you're beautiful girl

I was literally crying with tears streaming down my face when she finished. She looks at me and starts to laugh, hugging me. "Awww, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry, now you're going to make me wanna cry."

Vanessa speaks up after pulling away from the hug. "Sufficient payback."

"I'm gonna leave now, okay.?"

Vanessa internally groans. "Fine."

Normani giggles. "Bye cutie."

I notice a note on my bedroom floor and pick it up, thinking its the same one from a few days ago. But it isn't.

You're brave, you're honest, and you damn sure are beautiful. Know that.

I love you. -Mani

To: Maniii 🙊💕

Maniii 🙊💕- Night.! 😊💞

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