Chapter 26

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Atid and Aroon are sitting beside each other, smiling at everyone present in the conference room. Aroon has been trying to grab Atid's attention but he was avoiding him. Aroon wanted to drag him out of the hall and take him somewhere he can talk to him quietly. But the presence of board of directors and press stopped him from doing something stupid. Soon the current CEO Mr.Ming Ananada takes the center stage to address the press.

Mr.Ananada: Goodevening everyone. Welcome to AA Technologies press conference. We appreciate your efforts to attend this press conference at such a short notice. It's my pleasure to announce that I will be retiring from all positions that I currently hold in the company and our next generation will be taking over the reins. My son Aroon Ananada will be the new CEO while Atid Chanthara, son of late Mr.Narong Chanthara will be the new Chairman of AA Technologies. Mr.Chanthara was the cofounder of this company and his family has been constantly contributing to the growth of the company in different ways. I am confident that Mr.Atid Chanthara and Mr.Aroon Ananada will be able to take this company to new heights. Now the forum is open for any questions that you have for the new leadership of AA Technologies.

Journalist 1: Mr.Aroon has always been in the limelight and we expected him to be the new CEO but you remained hidden Mr.Atid. Why?

Atid: Well, expectations are sometimes a burden. My mom didn't want that for me or my brother. So she kept us away from the limelight. The only thing that she expected of us was to study and get proper education. We were given the freedom to pursue the career of our choice. So my brother chose law while I took business management. After graduation, I decided to join the company as it was my calling.

Journalist 2: But you joined as an ordinary employee.

Atid: I wanted to understand things starting from the lowest level It gave me an insight into the functioning of the company.

Journalist 1: What about you Mr.Aroon? Do you think you are ready to accept such a huge responsibility?

Aroon: Well, somethings are in my blood.

Aroon looks at his dad with a smile.

Aroon: Rest I have learned from the best, my dad and Mr.Atid Chanthara. They have helped me get an understanding of my role as CEO of the company. I hope I can retain  their faith in me.

Journalist 3: Mr.Aroon, you have been the golden boy in everyone's eyes for a long time. Do you feel that Mr.Atid came and stole your limelight? Do you think that you are a better choice for chairman's position?

Aroon: No... I think everyone has their own importance in the company. If the board chose Mr.Atid, they have a reason for it.  They believe in his abilities and I respect their decision.

Journalist 1: Is this decision of yours influenced by your non plantonic feelings for Mr.Atid? There is a rumour that you are dating each other.

There is a murmuring across the room after hearing that question. Aroon looks tensed and disturbed.

Atid: Let me answer that question. Your answer for that question lies in your question. It is just a rumour. We are good friends and colleagues. We hope to work together for the betterment of the company and our employees.

Journalist 1: Do you have any comments Mr.Aroon?

Aroon is speechless for a second but composes himself and answers the question with a smile.

Aroon: I agree with whatever Mr.Atid said just now. I look forward to working with him.

Mr.Ananada signals his PRO to end the press conference. Soon the conference comes to an end and everyone are ushered outdoors for food and drinks.

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