Chapter 8

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Aroon had a hard time sleeping. He tossed around on his bed looking for a comfortable position to sleep but nothing worked. Something was nagging his mind but he could not place a finger on the thing. He is restless and agitated. He gets dressed and walks out of his house. He hops on his bike and rides into the night without any definite  destination. Soon he found himself at a deserted place overlooking a lake. He got off his bike and stood there looking at the still water.

Aroon: What is bothering you Aroon? Why are you so restless?

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Suddenly a pair of fierce eyes hidden behind thick glasses flashed before his eyes. He opened his eyes in shock as he realized who those beautiful eyes belong to.

Aroon: No,no,no. I cannot allow anyone into my heart. I cannot trust anyone around me. I am Aroon Ananada and that's what everyone cares about. My name, my fame and my money are the only things people want from me. No one cares about the lonely and sad Aroon within me. I...

Aroon closes his eyes tight as a lone tear escapes his eyes. He quickly wipes it and puts on a no nonsense and harsh look on his face. He gets on his bike and rides back home.

Next day in the office:

As Aroon entered the cabin, he saw Atid arranging his table.

Atid: Goodmorning Sir

Aroon: Goodmorning Mr.Chanthara.

Atid is surprised to hear Aroon addressing him formally but he ignores it.

Atid: I have kept all the files you have to read on the table. I will get you a cup of tea.

Aroon nods his head and Atid goes to the pantry to prepare tea. Atid brings the tea into the cabin and places it on Aroon's table but he does not say anything or look at the tea.

Atid: Sir, your tea.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: If you don't need my help, may I take your leave? I need to finish some work.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid walks out of the office while Aroon is busy reading the file. At noon, Atid once again comes to the cabin to remind Aroon about his lunch but he dismisses him saying he is busy.

Atid just finished reading the last file on his table. He looks at the clock and it's already 7 pm. He quickly packs his things and walks out of the cabin. He looks at Atid's desk and it ip1s empty.

Aroon: Hmm, he must have gone home early.


Aroon turns around and is surprised to see Atid standing there.

Aroon: You scared me. Didn't I tell you to leave by 5 pm?

Atid: I am sorry. I left early but I forgot my phone charger on my desk. I just came to get it.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid quickly takes his charger and starts to walk away from there.

Aroon: Mr.Chanthara

Atid: Sir

Aroon: It's already late. Let me drop you home.

Atid: No, thank you. I will manage.

Aroon: I insist.

Atid reluctantly agrees and they both go to the parking lot and get into Aroon's car.

Aroon: Do you still live in Ekkamai?

Atid: How do you know?

Aroon: I have been there with my dad when he dropped PAom at her house.

Atid: Oh, Okay.

Aroon drives in silence while Atid looks out of the window. Soon they reach Atid's house. Atid sits there in silence for a few seconds and then looks at Aroon.

Atid: Would you like to come inside for a cup.of coffee? Mom would be happy to see you.

Aroon: I..


A beautiful lady in her late forties walk out of the house calling Atid's name. As she comes near the car, her smile broadens on seeing Aroon in the car.

Lady: Oh, Aroon dear, what a pleasant surprise.

Aroon: Hello PAom. I just came to drop PAtid.

Aom: Why are you still sitting in the car? Please come inside.

Aroon nods his head and quickly gets out of the car. He follows Atid into the house.

Atid's mom: Sit down dear. How is Mr and Mrs Ananada and my little princess Anong?

Aroon: They are doing good. Dad really misses you in the office.

Atid's mom: I miss working with Mr.Ananada. Unfortunately my health does not permit me to work.

Aroom: Hmm

Atid's mom: Make yourself comfortable at home. I will get you something to drink.

Atid: Mom,you stay here with Aroon. I will make tea.

Atid's mom: No, just sit here and talk to Aroon.

Atid's mom goes into the kitchen while Aroon and Atid stay there in silence.

As he was looking around the house, his eyes falls on a set of pictures on the wall. Aroon gets up and walks towards the wall to get a better look at the photos. A smile appears on his face on seeing Atid's childhood pics. One of the photos caught his attention and he looks at it closely. It was Atid's baby pic.

Aroon: You look the same.

Atid: Huh

Aroon: The look in your eyes and smile on your face hasn't changed at all. You still look so cute and adorable.

Atid blushes on hearing Aroon's words

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Atid blushes on hearing Aroon's words.
Aroon looks at guy standing before him with red cheeks and ears and his feet automatically takes him towards him. He raises his hand to capture Atid's face in between his hands but he withdraws his hand with a jerk when they heard footsteps coming towards them.

Aroon: SHIT.SHIT...SHIT.  What the hell was I doing? Get a grip on yourself Aroon. He is PAom's son. You cannot play with his heart like you always do to others.

Aroon just stands there mumbling something in inaudible voice.

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