Chapter 2

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Aroon slowly moves towards the bar counter keeping his eyes on his target. The guy seem to be lost in some serious thoughts.

Aroon: Excuse me, is this seat taken?

The guy looks at Aroon in shock as he was jolted from his thoughts by Aroon's voice.

Aroon: I am sorry if I startled you.

The guy looks at Aroon for a second and then a smile appears on his face.

Aroon(in mind): Cute..SHIT.SHIT...SHIT. What are you thinking Aroon? This is just a challenge. Stop thinking nonsense.

When Aroon looked at the guy once again, he could see the guy's mouth moving but he could not hear a single word. He is just staring at him.

"Excuse me, are you listening to me? Is there something on my face? Why are you staring at me like that?"

Aroon: Oh, I am sorry. Did you say something? My mind was somewhere else.

"I said my name is Atid, Atid Chanthara. This seat is unoccupied and you can take it."

Aroon: Hi Atid. I am Aroon Ananada.

Aroon takes the seat next to Atid and extends his hand for a handshake. Atid shakes his hand with a smile.

Atid: I know who you are.

Aroon: Huh

Atid: You are famous both inside and outside the university.

Aroon: Oh!!! Are we from the same university?

Atid: Hmm. Same university and same department. I graduated last year.

Aroon: So, you are my senior. I don't remember seeing you anywhere in the university.

Atid: Hmm, I am not someone who crave any form of attention. You may have heard of me but never seen me. Have you ever heard the name Doofus Atid or PDoofus?

Aroon: Oh!!!

Atid: Now you know who I am.

Aroon: You are last year's university topper.

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: I am sorry for not recognizing you.

Atid: It's okay. Even my classmates hardly recognize me except when they need my help.

Aroon: I...

Atid: So, what is Mr.Popular doing here, spending time with a nerd like me?

Aroon: I....

Aroon looks at his friends once and then at Atid.

Atid: Let me guess. I am the target for one of your fun activities.

Aroon: NO....I mean... I

Atid: So, what is it that you need to do? Pour this glass of drink on my head and make a joke out of me or ...Oh wait, you are being so nice to me. Soooooo, does this activity involve getting me under you on your bed?

Aroon spits out his drink in shock as he looks at Atid in horror.

Atid: So, that's what it is all about. Then what are you waiting for? Let's do it.

Aroon: Huh

Atid: Aroon, ever heard of rebound sex?

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: That's what this is going to be for me. Today, the girl I loved with my whole heart, cheated on me. She said she used me to get graduated from college and that she wouldn't even date a guy like me in her dreams. Today was supposed to be a special day. I was going to propose to her and spend the night together but...

Aroon: I am sorry.

Atid: Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything. Part of my plan is ruined but I want to make success of the other half. I am going to get laid today and who better than the famous casanova of our college.

Aroon; PAtid, you don't have to..

Atid: Don't worry Aroon. I will not tell this to anyone else. I won't even be able to talk to you when I am sober.

Aroon: That's what I am saying. You are drunk PAtid. You are going to regret this tomorrow morning.

Atid: No, I am not. If you don't want to do it, I will find someone else who is willing.

Aroon: P..

Atid starts to get up from his seat but he wobbles a bit. Aroon holds him before he falls down.

Aroon: Okay, I will do it.

Atid: Huh

Aroon: I will sleep with you. No need to find someone else.

Atid looks at Aroon with a wide smile on his face. Aroon looks at his friends once and then pulls Atid close to his body to prevent him from falling down.  He then walks out of the bar along with Atid.

Meanwhile, not far from the bar counter two guys were staring at Aroon  and Atid with their eyes bulging out and mouth wide open.

Niran: Did he just..

Kiet: Hmm. He just took PAtid to his room.

Niran: SHIT.SHIT...SHIT. This is not good. PAtid is a good guy and Aroon is going to mess him up.

Kiet: You should have thought about it before challenging Aroon.

Niran: I never thought, P Atid would..

Niran could not complete his sentence as he watched Aroon and Atid exit the bar joined at their hips.

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