Chapter 11

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Aroon: That was you. You were the one who send that video.

Atid nods his head and looks down.

Aroon: How?

Atid: I was there when you...when you took that file from your dad's office.


Atid just finished his exam and came to his mother's office to pick her up. She asked him to sit at his desk as the meeting was not over. He sat there playing on his phone for some time and then went to the restroom to relieve himself. When he got out of the restroom, he saw a boy getting out of the lift and walking towards Mr.Ananada's cabin On a closer look, he recognized Aroon. He just thought he might have come to visit his dad but then Atid noticed Aroon's trembling hands and darting eyes. He looked nervous as he entered the cabin. After some time he came out holding something in his hand. It was a file. He then calls someone and informs them that he got the file. He then walks away from there.

Atid did not know what to do as he was not sure what was happening. He was concerned for Aroon, so he followed him. Aroon walks out of the gates and goes to a girl standing there. He handover the file to her. He told her to return it before his dad finds out. She hugs him and kisses him. She then walks away from there. Aroon also leaves in a cab. Atid decides to follow the girl on instinct. She walks for some time and then stops at an isolated place. She takes her phone and calls someone.

Girl: Hello dad. I got the file.

Other side: Inaudible

Girl: He stole it from his dad's office. If they check he will be the one who is caught.

Inaudible conversation

Girl: No, he will never say my name. That idiot loves me too much.

The girl giggles and continues the conversation.

Girl: I am coming home now.

Girl disconnects the call and then catches a cab.

Atid stands there listening to entire conversation in shock. He could not believe that someone could be so cruel. He had heard from his mother how good Aroon is. But now he can be in trouble because of his girlfriend. Thankfully Atid had recorded the entire conversation. He rushes back to tell his mother about the incident.

Flashback ends.

Atid: While going back to office, I got into an accident and was taken to the hospital. I remained unconscious the entire night. When I regained consciousness the next day, my mom was not there as she was called by your dad. I looked for my phone and thankfully it was not damaged. I send the video clipping to my mother and she showed it to your dad. That's how..

Aroon: The truth came out.

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: Is that the reason why my dad likes you so much?

Atid: Hmm.

Aroon: Thank you.

Atid: Huh

Aroon: Thank you for saving me.

Atid: I just did what was right. My mom always talked about you at home. She used say that you are a kind and gentle soul who could never hurt anyone. So, I knew you would never wrong your dad. I just followed my instinct and trusted my mother's faith in you.

Aroon looks at him with a bitter smile.

Aroon: That day, my girlfriend whom I trusted the most turned her back on me but you, a complete stranger trusted me and helped me. This is why people say life is stranger than fiction. Anyway, thank you for trusting me and saving my life. I owe you one.

Atid looks at Aroon intensely.

Atid: Do you really want to thank me?

Aroon: Yes

Atid: Then, stay away from that girl. I don't trust. I just feel like she is bad news.

Aroon: I will not argue with that. I intent to stay away from her.

Atid: Good.

Aroon comes close to Atid and looks into his eyes seriously.

Aroon: PAtid

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: I.....I am hungry. Can we have food now?

Atid looks at him wide eyed and then they both burst out laughing.

Aroon takes out the KFC packet from the car and they enjoy their dinner in silence.

Aroon drops Atid home and then leaves for his house. As Aroon enters his home, he is shocked to see Pumeik sitting there along with his mom and dad.

Aroon: What are you doing here?

Aroon's dad: Aroon, why are you so rude to here? She has come to see you. She apologized for her past mistakes. She just want to reconcile.

Aroon: Well, you can forgive her for her mistakes but I don't want to reconcile with her.

Aroon's mom: But son, we know how much you love her. You did that mistake for her. You just turned from a sweet little boy to an untamed and reckless person after she left you. We are fine to welcome her back if she brings smile on your face.

Aroon: Do you have the same opinion dad?

Aroon's dad: Hmm

Aroon: Well, you have got it wrong. I forgave Pumeik years ago but I will never forget what she did. I don't trust her and we cannot spend our life with someone we don't trust.

Pumeik: Aroon, please listen to me. Just give me a chance.

Aroon: No

Pumeik: Is this because of that guy?

Aroon looks at Pumeik and then his parents.

Aroon: No, he has got nothing to do with my decision. I made up mind long before he came into my life. He just helped me to pick pieces of my life and put it back together. That's all the explanation that you will get. I think you need to leave now Pumeik.

He ask one of the servants to escort her outside. Pumeik gets up and walks out of the house

Aroon's dad: Are you talking about Atid? Do you love him son?

Aroon looks at his dad with agony in his eyes.

Aroon: I like him dad but I will never invite him into my life. Eventhough he helped me put my life together, there are scars that will always be there. I don't him to suffer just because he is part of my life.

Aroon's mom: Baby, you cannot live your life like this. No two person are the same Aroon. Pumeik hurt you but that does not mean that Atid will do the same. He was there for you when he didn't even know you. Now, if he decides to be with you, it's because he knows you and understands you. Give yourself a chance baby.

Aroon's dad: Your mother is right son. Give yourself a chance.

Aroon just looks at his parents with tear filled eyes. He hugs them and cries his heart out.

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