Chapter 19

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Aroon: You? What are you doing here? How did you find me?

"We just followed you."

Aroon: What the hell Niran?

Aroon looks at Niran and Kiet in shock and anger.

Atid: Why would you do that?

Niran and Kiet looks at Atid who just appeared behind Aroon. He was wearing Aroon's shorts and tshirt. His hair is messed up and the clothes are disheveled. Anyone could guess what was going on inside the house before the arrival of unexpected guest.

Niran: I told you to stay away from PAtid. I told you not to play with his feelings like you did with others. But you never listen.

Aroon: So, you decided to follow us?

Niran: I didn't have any other option. I had to warn him.

Aroon: Why are you so worked up about this? Why are you so eager to get PAtid out of my life? Is it your guilt or do you like him?

Niran: What nonsense are you talking? Did you forget that I am your sister's boyfriend? PAtid helped me with my exams and instead of being thankful, I send you behind him.

Aroon: So, this is just guilt and has nothing to do with the fact that Pumeik is your sister.

Niran looks at Aroon in shock but soon comes back to his senses.

Niran: I don't know what you are talking about.

Aroon: Really? Then this must be your ghost with Pumeik in this photo.

Niran looks at the photo in Aroon's hand and he starts sweating and stammering in nervousness.

Kiet: Who the hell is Pumeik and why are with her in this photo Niran?

Aroon: Pumeik is my Ex girlfriend and his younger sister.

Atid: Pumeik is his sister? How did you know that? How come you never knew about in the past eventhough he is your bestfriend.

Aroon: After having a fight with him, I was feeling restless. So I decided to go to his house and reconcile. But there I saw Pumeik hugging him. I left without confronting him because my mind was in daze and i felt betrayed. I hired a private detective to learn more about them. He send me their history. Their parents are separated. Niran lived with his mother while Pumeik was given to their dad. They didn't meet each other until few years back when Niran went to meet his dad before entering the university.  There his dad and sister told him about me,my family and that's how he befriended me.

Kiet: Is that true Niran?

Niran remains silent.


Niran: YES. He...He  broke up with my sister and his dad threw my dad out of his business. I wanted revenge but she said she still loved him and wanted him back. So I became his friend and then caught attention of his sister to enter his family. Everything was going fine and my sister had managed to get a transfer to Thailand. But came in between and ruined everything.

Niran looks at Atid in anger.

Aroon: I never broke up with your sister. She is the one who used me against my family. My dad almost kicked me out of the house for what she made me do. Thankfully an angel came and exposed her and your father.

Niran: You are lying. You are making excuses to get rid of her. I don't understand why would you choose him over her. She is beautiful and she can give you a family one day. But he..

Aroon: He is the one that makes me happy. He gave me back the happy and kind Aroon that I had lost years back due to your sister's betrayal. He gave me back my genuine smile. He gave me back my life. I owe him everything.

Niran just looks at Aroon in shock and then turns his head to look at Atid.

Niran: How can you love a person like him who keeps breaking people's hearts? How can you be stupid enough to trust him?

Atid: I love him because I am the witness to the sacrifice he made for the one he loved . He loved her so much that he went against his conscience to be with her. But when he was caught by his dad, she looked the other way. His heart broke into pieces, seeing his first love and bestfriend betray him. He lost himself that day.

Niran just stood there with his mouth open, unable to say a word.

Atid: I am not stupid Niran. I am the smartest one here, who fell in love with the most sincere and trustworthy person in the world. His love is unconditional and I am lucky to be the one at the receiving end. He is my world and I will not let go off him until he asks me to do so.

Aroon's eyes fill with tears as he pulls Atid into a hug.

Aroon: I am never letting you go. You are stuck with me forever.

Aroon loosens his hold on Atid and looks at Niran.

Aroon: I don't know what your sister and dad told you but the truth is that they are a bunch of lies. I forgive you for what you did to me but I cannot be friends with you after what you did to me.

Kiet: Neither can I. I am sorry Aroon for believing his lies and following you. I never knew about his malicious intentions.

Aroon: Hmm. It's okay. I don't blame you.

Niran looks at his friends with guilt before he walks out of the house with his head hung low.

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