Chapter 15

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Atid: So, you were saying...

Aroon: I am sorry. I am so sorry.

Atid: What are you sorry for Aroon?

Aroon: Huh

Atid: Are you sorry for misunderstanding me? Are you sorry that you didn't even give me a chance to explain my side of the story? Are you sorry that threw me out of your life in a second because I am not hot and sexy? Or are you sorry that you made me realize that I don't mean a shit to you and I am easily replaceable by someone hot and sexy?

Aroon: P, I...

Atid: You know what, I don't want to know what you are sorry for because it no longer matters to me. I promised you that I will always be there for you and I will keep my promise whether you want me or not.

Aroon: PAtid, please....

Atid: I think I have said and heard enough. You should leave now. I....

Atid could not complete his sentence as Aroon pushed him to the wall and crashed their lips together. Atid did not kiss him back and pushed him away from him.

Atid: What are you doing? Why would you...

Aroon just pulls him into his arms and hugs him tight.

Aroon: I was jealous. I.. I thought you chose her over me. I could not accept it. I was broken but didn't want to show my feelings before you. So, I

Atid: So, you pushed me away from you.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: I never chose her. I just wanted a closure before I move on.

Aroon: I know. I met her earlier today.

Atid: I never meant to hurt you. I just...

Aroon: It's not your fault. My insecurities got the better of me. Last time I loved someone, she chose money over me. I was left with a broken heart. It took me a long time to gather the pieces of my heart. When you came into my life, I didn't want anything except a one night stand. After knowing you, I wanted you in my life but I could not open my heart to you completely. I.... I was afraid...

Atid holds Aroon's hand encouraging him to talk.

Aroon: I was afraid that I will not survive a second heartbreak if you leave me. So I tried so many times to distance myself from you. But today when you chose her, I realized that I have already lost my heart to you and I will not survive the heartbreak this time. I went to the bar to get drunk and forget you but thankfully I met Pringking and was able to sort out of the misunderstanding. I am sorry PAtid.  Please don't push me away from you.

A tear drops from his eyes. Atid quickly takes Aroon's face in his hands and places a chaste kiss on his lips.

Atid: I am not going anywhere Aroon. You had my heart the first time I saw you at your house years back but I realized it recently. I always loved your smile and I helped you with Puimek issue because I always wanted to see that smile on your face. When I saw you in love with Pumeik, I was happy for you eventhough I felt an unknown pain in my heart. Now, when I think about it, I realize that, the pain was nothing but my love for you. I love you Aroon. I have always loved you.

Aroon looks at Atid with tear filled eyes. He hugs him tight.

Aroon: I love you too. I love you so much PAtid.

Both shed tears of happiness as they embrace each other tight. They let go of each other after some time. Aroon's eyes roam around Atid's face and ends at his lips.

Aroon: Can I...

Atid nods his head and Aroon crashes his lips into Atid's. As he sucks and bites Atid's lips, a moan escapes his mouth. Aroon keeps kissing him until they are out of breath. He ends the kiss and looks at Atid. His eyes looked dazed and filled with lust. Aroon's hand moves under Atid's shirt but he is stopped by Atid's hand.

Atid: We can't. My mom...

Aroon: Come with me PAtid. I need you.  I cannot..

Atid looks at Aroon whose eyes are filled with love and lust for him.

Atid: Okay. Let me talk to my mom and then we can go.

Aroon: Hmm.

Atid quickly changes his clothes and then goes to his mom's room to ask her permission to go with Aroon.

Love 9 to 5 - An office romance حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن