Chapter 5

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Aroon's eyes never left Atid as he is busy arranging files on his table. He has been avoiding eye contact with him since their last interaction. Atid took him around and introduced him to all the employees but he didn't say a single word to Aroon. Aroon is feeling restless and agitated. He wanted to talk and bicker with Atid but he seem to have other plans.

Atid: Sir, it's already 5 pm and it's time to go home.

Aroon: I asked you to call me Aroon when we are alone.

Atid: Sir, if you don't have anything else that needs my help, I will take your leave.

Aroon: Are you ignoring my words and disobeying me?

Atid: No Sir.

Aroon: Then, do as I say. Call me Aroon.

Atid: I will head back home now Aroon.

Aroon: No, you can't. I need your help with something.

Atid: But it's already 5 pm.

Aroon: When you work with me, your duty time does not end at 5 pm. I need you to be there whenever I call you. Do you understand?

Atid nods his head and looks down.

Aroon: Good. Now pack your things and meet me in the basement.

Atid: Okay

Atid quickly gets out of the cabin and heads to his desk. He packs his things and catches the lift to the basement. As he reaches the parking lot in the basement, he sees Aroon waiting there leaning on a black BMW. Atid looks at the car in awe.

Aroon: Do you like it?

Atid: It's gorgeous.

Aroon: Want to drive it?

Atid: I don't think it's a good idea.

Aroon: Come on, give it a try.

Aroon hands over the car keys to Atid and gets into the passenger seat. Atid gingerly gets into the driver seat and starts the engine. He then drives them out of the basement.

Aroon: You are a good driver.

Atid: Thanks. So where do you want to go Sir?

Aroon: PAtid

Atid: I am sorry, I meant Aroon.

Aroon: I am hungry and craving for some crispy fried pork. Do you know any place where we can find some?

Atid: I know a place but I don't think you would like it Sir.

Aroon: Let's go.

Atid: Huh

Aroon: Let's go to place you just mentioned.

Atid just nods his head and drives towards the restaurant.

Atid parks the car at the end of a street and gets out of the car. Aroon follows him as he walks down the lane. He then  enters a small shack that is crowded with people. Aroon felt a bit uncomfortable but the aroma that came out of the shack brought water in his mouth. He quickly followed Atid into the shack and they take a seat at a table in the farthest corner of the shack. A waiter comes to them with a smile. Atid places order for both of them and then waits for the food.

Atid: I am sorry, I ordered for you without asking.

Aroon: You already knew what I needed. So it's okay.

Atid: Hmm

They both sat in silence observing the surroundings.

Aroon: PAtid

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: Are you uncomfortable being around me?

Atid: No, I...I never had a one night stand with anyone, especially not my Boss. I don't know how to behave around you.

Aroon: Just be yourself. Do you need a drink to unwind?

Atid: NO. Drunk me is not a good thing. I just tend to do stupid things.

Aroon: Do you regret that night?

Atid: No

There is complete silence between them.

Atid: I am thankful to you for that night. You didn't judge me or mock me for my breakup. Everyone including the ones who called themselves my friends told me I was stupid to think Pringking will like me. They said I am just stupid. May be they are right. Maybe I am stupid but I don't regret taking a chance. The only think I regret is my inability to understand people's intentions. I always help everyone who approaches me and every single time they hurt me. You are the first person who was honest with me and I appreciate it.

Aroon: P, you know I am not a good guy. People call me casanova for a reason. Yesterday I approached you to defend that title before my friends.

Atid: I know and you admitted it when I asked you. That's why I said you are different, a good different, an awesome different.

Aroon felt a tingling feeling in his chest on hearing Atid's words. He never received such honest praise from anyone before. He just looked around unable to understand what to say to Atid. Soon their food arrives and they start eating.

Aroon: Wow!!!! This is delicious. I can just keep on eating this every day.

A smile appears on Atid's face on hearing Aroon's words. He takes some of the fried pork from his plate and gives it to Aroon.

Atid: Eat more.

Aroon: Thank you na PAtid.

After having dinner, Atid pays the bill eventhough Aroon insisted on paying.

Atid: It's okay. You can pay the next time.

Aroon: So, there will be a next time.

Atid: I don't know. Maybe

Atid walks out of the shack quickly followed by a pouting Aroon.

Aroon: Pèeeeeeee....

They reaches Aroon's car and Atid gives the key back to Aroon.

Atid: I will take a cab from here.

Aroon: But

Atid: My house is just 10 minutes from here. I can manage.

Aroon: Hmm, okay. I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight.

Atid: Goodnight

They both leave for their respective houses after saying their goodbyes.

Aroon reaches home and drops on his bed. He felt tired after a long day in office but there is smile on his face. He quickly takes his phone and searches for Atid's line I'd.

Aroon: P, have you reached home?

Atid: Yes. What about you?

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon looks at the screen for a few seconds and then starts typing again.

Aroon: Thank you for taking me to eat my favorite food. I had a great time eating there.

Atid: You are welcome. I am glad you enjoyed it.

Aroon: Let's do it again some other time.

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: I will see you tomorrow then. Goodnight

Atid: Goodnight.

They both went to sleep with a smile on their face.

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