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-emo tiny/farmer giant cuz that's a funny combination and also it's 2006-

It's hard to be fifteen. Felix doesn't quite know why the world is so messed up, they just know that it is. They could tell you the obvious answers- poverty, war, the fact that their left earbud cuts out sometimes. They just wish people wouldn't try to act so overly happy when there's nothing to be so joyous over.

Especially not at a time like this. They could be happy that they've finally got ahold of their mom's keys to her little compact minivan, but it wasn't exactly happiness that led them to such a decision.

Their family won't miss them. They never show them appreciation when they are there, so why would they wait for them to leave?

After putting the key in the ignition and very slowly backing out of the driveway, Felix turns out and heads toward who knows where.

It occurs to them at that moment just how terrible a driver they really are. Granted, they haven't even started any driving instruction, they're still veering all over the place with some wildly inconsistent speeds. They don't even take speed limits as a suggestion, let alone law. Just doing whatever it takes to get from point A to point B- whatever that is.

With it being late at night, barely anyone is on the road thankfully. Felix's atrocious driving can only affect them.

And affect them it does.

After about an hour of aimless driving through highways and backroads alike, they swiftly veer into a large field of corn, right as the brakes begin locking up.

They can't see a thing as the tall stalks thrash around the windshield, cracking it around the edges and stripping off the mirrors. The challenge of keeping composure is almost as strong as the challenge of trying to stop the vehicle.

Finally, after several long minutes, Felix can get a grip on the breaks again, slowly skittering the minivan to a stop. They turn the key and pull it out of the ignition, white-knuckling the fob as they take deep, shaky breaths.

Then they let the tears flow. Tears for the accident, tears for being lost, tears for taking their mom's car and destroying it, tears for even running off in the first place. They pull down the sun visor and flip open the little mirror, barely able to notice their deep black eyeliner messily smudged around their eyes. How embarrassing.

Flipping the visor back up, they flash a look at the radio. The clock reads 4:43. They should probably rest before trying to get help- no one's out at this hour, and they sure as hell won't call their parents. Not like they can even find their jank-ass flip phone anyway. They'll try again in the morning.

The sun hits Felix's eyes in a very unflattering way, shining in concentrated spots through the cracked windshield the way a magnifying glass centralizes sunbeams. They peel their eyes open, stinging from the sunlight, crying, and unwashed makeup. They look to the clock again. 11:30 on the dot. Damn. Time to get some help.

They have to push their whole body against the crumpled door, finally getting it to swing open. They climb out and inspect the vehicle as much as possible, pushing aside tall corn stalks to get a look.

Absolutely busted. The whole hood is smashed, the side mirrors are gone, one of the tires is popped, and there are scratches and dents all over. It's a miracle the interior remains mostly in tact, with Felix retaining no injury.

Either way, there's no reviving this. Felix climbs up the shattered car, balancing on the top.

Despite standing on the car, they still can't see over the corn very well. It stands well over ten feet, obscuring any chance of direction. Even the carved out path is blocked by other corn stalks. Whoever runs this field is taking excellent care of the crops, but that serves more as a negative for Felix's situation. They have one option left, it seems.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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