Chapter 59: Pure Hatred

Start from the beginning

He seemed to be in panic mode. He was sweating profusely, the salty liquid dripping down his face and splashing onto the floor. Father was also panting as if he had been previously running, his chest heaving, up and down. Also, his long black hair seemed to stick to his face, giving the male a rugged look. It was a look I was not used to. It was a new look on my father. I was beginning to grow seriously worried by that.

I lowered my head down to see that he was wearing a white robe which covered his entire body, starting at his shoulders to end down to his legs. The clothing was simple sleep wear, suitable to wear around the house.

My father let out a whimper before moving away from my bed to beckon me off of it.

"I think, I have to be the worst caretaker on earth." I heard my father mutter to himself.

My eyebrows furrowed, one hand of mine working over to pull the blankets off of my body. Normally, if I've woken up unannounced I would be in a more reluctant mood to get out of bed but seeing the look on my father's face convinced me to do otherwise.

Something is terribly wrong.

And instantly, I thought of my big sister and I began to panic extremely.

Oh no!

So in response to my intense emotions, I hopped out of my bed to join my father on the floor. But I didn't forget to respond to his comment from earlier. I was quite confused by such a statement after all.

I shook my head, denying his claim. "F-Father, that's not true at all-"

My father shook his head as well which stopped my words instantly. A frown came upon my face to see how serious he was, his eyes rooted down at his bare feet as he stood in the darkness of my room.

Outside was super dark which meant that it had to be in the middle of the night and so having father wake me up this late has only made me worry more.

My thoughts were beginning to flood with numerous questions, ones that only intensified my concern.

Is this about Hinata? Is that why father is so distraught?

If so, is she okay?

Is she hurt?

Is she...

Many times my brain summoned up a question that brought me nothing but sorrow upon thinking it. It was a horrible, horrible thought, one that I didn't want to think about ever happening. But the question continuously popped up in my head, bringing fear to the table. A little part of me wanted to know the answer to the hidden question I have but inwardly I was severely scared of the possibility.

Is Hinata... dead?

Such a question was nerve wracking. I wanted to know the answer but at the same time I was scared to know. I let out a whimper, one that was filled with sadness.

I just want you here, big sister.

I missed her dearly. I hated that she was somewhere out there in the world, away from the home she's always known. I hated the fact that she was alone with a complete monster.

A monster that we know nothing about.

A monster that's most likely torturing her, hurting her and making her cry.

My eyes grew glossy once more.

Hinata, I'm so sorry this is happening to you.

A sudden sigh from my father managed to pull me from my thoughts, my head slowly rising to give him back my attention. From there, I saw the deep frown that rested on his face, his head giving me another shake.

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