V1.C4.2: Ayanokouji vs Horikita

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"Dewott is unable to battle. Dartrix is the winner!"

I, Yukimori Ryoma, declared the winner of this match. It looks like some of our classmates had such amazing Pokemon in their hands. This school wouldn't be as boring as I thought...

Oh right, I didn't mention their names...

So, a woman named Kayano Onodera, who was apparently the most athletic of the girls is Dewott's Trainer.

I expected something from her but Dewott lost to Dartrix's Trainer, Miyake Akito.

He seemed average at first, but he showed some good moves on the battlefield. Of course, add the fact that according to type matchups, Grass beats Water. He got the upper hand.

After the match, Miyake shook hands with Onodera, maybe as acknowledgment. In other words, he's like saying 'well played' to her...

"Nice match, Miyake-kun! Let's battle again next time."

"Sure, Onodera!"

After that, they took their Poke Balls to retrieve them.

"You did your best, Dewott. Return." We'll get 'em next time is what I would think she'd say but It's near impossible for a woman to think like that. I approached the dude, who was about to return Dartrix back to its Poke Ball.

"Nice one, Dartrix. Get some rest."

The Blade Quill Pokemon went back to its Poke Ball. Miyake rose his head and looked at me while putting his Poke Ball back in his pocket.

"Yo, Miyake. Your Dartrix's strong as fuck!"

"Hahaha, thanks Yukimori. Your Golisopod's strong as hell, too!"

"Let's battle when we have the time, Miyake!"

"Yeah sure, Yukimori! Please be gentle with me."

Okay, what the hell is that sentence. I did not like how he worded it and that sounded gay as fuck. I'll ignore that and pretend I didn't take it out of context.

"I'm looking forward to seeing your Dartrix in action again!"

"Same to your Golisopod, man."

I left Miyake alone and tried to find Kiyotaka. Looking around, I can't seem to find him. I walked for a bit until I see a brown-haired dude with a black-haired woman.

"I'd like to challenge you to a Pokemon Battle, Horikita."

Oya? Looks like Kiyotaka is about to have a match with Horikita.

"I accept your challenge."

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