V1.C1.2: First Day

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The entrance ceremony was just the same as any other school. It's boring as hell.

Some important people offered words of thanks, and the ceremony was finally over. Then, it was noon. After we received some general information about the campus, the crowd dispersed. 

Most of the students headed toward the dorm. Some made their way to cafés, while the louder ones went out for karaoke. While I, Yukimori Ryoma, was just using my phone on my way to the Pokemon Center.

Kiyotaka told me to go ahead since he wanted to go to the convenience store.

I arrived at the entrance of the Pokemon Center. I felt a cold breeze as the doors automatically opened for me. There are a few students inside.

"I thought Pokemon Centers and Poke Marts are supposed to be separated?" 

In the corner, there is a sign that says "Poke Mart". It sells a lot of useful stuff like Potions, Antidotes, and Poke Balls. All these items are related to Pokemon. 

There are also tables and chairs for people to rest while waiting for their Pokemon to be completely healed. While observing, I saw a student of average height with black hair and red eyes. I remember his name was Yamauchi Haruki. He looked so down. I wonder what happened? 

 I snapped out of my thoughts and proceeded to walk toward the desk. A woman with pink hair and blue eyes smiled at me.

"Welcome to the Pokemon Center! How may I help you?"

'Another Nurse Joy' I thought to myself.

I ain't surprised anymore if I happen to hear that this is their trademark. Every Pokemon Center I go to, I always see the same face. The same Nurse Joy I used to come to when my Pokemon got hurt. Not only that, it is free of charge. It means that your points won't be in danger.

"Uhm, I'd like you to kindly check my Pokemon's condition, please."

"Okay! Let me take your Pokemon for a few seconds."

I took out two of my Pokemon and entrust them to Nurse Joy. Guess I don't have a right to complain, huh? After all, Nurse Joy is a hardworking and trustworthy one. Everyone trusts her for taking care of their Pokemon.

It's time for the waiting game. I sat down on one of the seats here and patiently waited. I opened my phone and checked my profile.

Number: - - - - - - - - - -
Name: Yukimori Ryoma
Birthday: 6/18
School: Advanced Nurturing High School

Some basic information like my name, birthday, and the school I'm attending were written here in my profile. I scrolled down further and I saw something interesting. So interesting that it made my heart melt. 

Hall of Fame: N/A
Tournaments Won: None
Pokemon Battles:  W - 0     L - 0
Pokemon Trades: 0

I was so damn right. This school has a knack for Pokemon Battles. This is an Elite School after all. Who wouldn't think otherwise? As I was happy about this, I remembered that I only brought 2 Pokemon with me. 

I rose my head and look for something. I found it

'NICE NICE NICE!'  I thought. If the school encourages Pokemon Battles, the Almighty PC should be here as well. This PC acts like a storage room for Pokemon. You can transfer your old Pokemon to your party, if you put all of your Pokemon on the PC that is. You can use the PC by logging in to your account and BAM! You can get your old Pokemon back.

And no, the PC's that you will find in the Pokemon Center only functions as a means of storing and transporting your Pokemon to your party or back to the PC. It does not support communication. The school already logged out your accounts on other devices so you can only log in to your account in this school.

The Pokémon Elites - Year 1Where stories live. Discover now