V1.C4.1: The Training Room

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After Ryoma's Pokemon battle with Hirata, the elder Horikita stood up and got ready to leave. He turns his head to face me for a split second. I couldn't tell if he was gazing at me or Horikita, who was standing near me. In any case, it's not my problem. I did state I dislike problematic situations.

Ryoma returned from the battlefield after the elder Horikita left the training room with a girl, who I believe is his secretary in the Student Council.

"Yo Kiyotaka! How did I do?"

"You did great. As expected from an obsessed Pokemon Trainer."

"No, I don't think I am," he said while mimicking my monotone voice.

Even if Golisopod had a disadvantage due to Lucario being a Steel-type, he still won. It's like Pokemon types didn't even matter to him.

"Well, even if that's the case, I still can't get to your level, Kiyotaka."

As a response to the determination he showed, I tried to go all out in a Pokemon Battle a few weeks ago before we started this school. In an entire 6v6 match, he only managed to eliminate two of my Pokemon.

Chabashira-sensei began to speak after a few moments.

"For those of you who have a Pokemon, start practicing how to combat with Hirata and Yukimori as tutors; these skills will come in handy. Definitely"

The word "definitely" is also stressed by Chabashira-sensei. She almost stated the same thing as the teacher in swimming class when she claimed it would be useful.

I understand the benefits of Pokemon training, as most people nowadays use Pokemon as a form of self-defense. There are, however, firearms in this society. If a person does not have a Pokemon, he or she can defend themselves with a gun or fight if they also have martial arts experience.

"So, who do wanna fight against?"

Ryoma is the most obvious choice, but Golisopod is already exhausted from its battle with Hirata's Lucario. It would have been bad for him.

"How about Horikita?"

"Now we're talking! I'm really curious about her Pokémon and her battle style."

I still don't know if Horikita knows how to battle or if she ever had a Pokémon in the week after the first day.

"In any case, go talk to that bitch about it, and I'll check Ike's and Yamauchi's Match."

In the corner of my eye, I see Ike and Yamauchi. They appeared to be fighting each other in a Pokemon battle. Ryoma got up and went to the match. Ike's Pokémon appeared to be a Treecko, whereas Yamauchi had a Slakoth. Ike is going to win the match at this rate. Yamauchi's situation will deteriorate if Slakoth does not act now.

"Treecko, Bullet Seed!"

Treecko hurled plenty of seeds at Slakoth, who remained still. The match was already decided before Yamauchi could make a play. Ryoma nodded in agreement as he checked Slakoth.

"Slakoth is unable to battle. Treecko is the winner! Thus, the match goes to Ike Kanji!"

Ike was declared the winner of this match by Ryoma. Ike looked at his phone and saw that his Trainer Profile had a 1 - 0 record.

"We did it, Treecko! We won our first battle!"

Ike, as well as his Pokémon, leaped for joy. Ike's sincere happiness after winning with his Treecko is a pleasant surprise. He had faith in Treecko, and Treecko had faith in its trainer. After their touching exchanges, Ike smirked at Yamauchi.

"Ha! Take that, Yamauchi!"

"Huh!? You're just lucky that Slakoth's too lazy to fight you, Ike!"

The Truant Ability of Slakoth speaks otherwise. Slakoth is a slothful Pokémon, to be sure. When it evolves into a Slaking, it will become one of the world's most slothful Pokemon.

However, if used appropriately, it can be one of the most powerful Pokemon. It has the ability to unleash terrifying force by simultaneously unleashing pent-up energy on its enemies.

"Heh! I'll still win against you, either way."

Ike gave Yamauchi a smirk. His comment may come across as cocky, but defeating Slakoth is nearly a given considering Treecko is fast. However, its moves seemed a bit hasty. If you don't give it a thought, it would be bad if Slakoth had moves like 'Cut'. 

The two boys ended up bickering with each other.


Author's Note:

687 Words...

Yeah... Sorry, took me a while to publish a chapter.

You see, my biggest nightmare came true...

I got a lot of school-related to do...

So that's it for this Chapter.

A short chapter, but that is all for now.

Please do wait for the next part of Chapter 4!

See you in the next chapter!

- AshXD


For the next chapter, I'll give a small sneak peek...

"Of all the Pokemon in your possession, you chose the goddamn Ice Cream!"

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