V1.C5.1: Kushida Wants to Befriend Horikita

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"Kikyou-chan, do you want to stop by a café on our way back today?"

"Sure, let's go! Oh, but wait just a minute, okay? I want to invite one more person."

Kushida headed toward Horikita, who was putting her textbook into her bag. 

"Horikita-san, would you like to come with us to a café today?" She asked.

"Not interested." 

Horikita threw Kushida's invitation back in her face, with no room for ambiguity. 

Couldn't you just lie and say you were planning to go shopping, or that you were waiting for a friend? 

Despite the harsh rejection, Kushida kept smiling.

This wasn't a particularly unusual scene. 

Ever since the entrance ceremony, Kushida had regularly tried to invite Horikita to do fun things with her. 

I thought it would be nice for Horikita to accept an invitation at least once in a while, but perhaps that was just a bystander's selfish interpretation. 

No one had ever met with anything but rejection when they'd tried to invite Horikita.

"I see. Well then, I'll try inviting you again another time."

"Wait, Kushida-san." 

Surprisingly, Horikita called out to Kushida.

Had she finally given in? 

"Don't invite me again. It's a bother," said Horikita coldly.

"Ouch~" I heard Ryoma mutter. He's really enjoying this, huh?

However, Kushida didn't appear saddened. Instead, she smiled as she answered, "I'll invite you again."

Kushida then ran back to join her friends, and they left the hall.

"Kikyou-chan, just stop inviting Horikita-san. I hate her—"

Just before the door closed, I faintly heard one of the other girl's words. 

Horikita, who was right next to me, must have heard as well, but she gave no indication that she cared.

Ryoma, who was in front of me, curled his lips as if amused.

"You won't try to invite me places, will you?" she asked.

"Nope. I understand your personality well enough. It's pointless to even try."

"Look at this woman. Still a bitch after getting cock-blocked by a fucking ice cream~"

Cock-blocked? What did that mean?

"That was a very vulgar description of that outcome, but I'll admit my loss against Ayanokouji-kun."

Surprisingly, Horikita acknowledged her defeat against me.

"However, I don't think you're any different, Yukimori-kun. We haven't had an official Pokemon Battle, yet you're saying as if you can beat me."

"For someone who had a record of 2-1, you're speaking big words there."

Apparently, Horikita managed to get 2 wins. However, her first loss was against me.

Both of them glared at each other. Then, Horikita turned to me.

"As for your response, I'm relieved to know that you understood me."

After Horikita finished getting ready, she walked out of the classroom by herself. 

"Haaah, gay~" Ryoma is saying weird things...

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