V1.C3: Swimming Lessons/Pokemon Battles

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It has been a week since the entrance ceremony...

I'm at my dorm right now, making breakfast 'cause I'm going to class early. Usually, I wake up at 6 am, but today, it's 4 am. Instead of continuing my sleep, I'm here... making breakfast. Because a certain someone texted me. It's none other than Sakayanagi of Class A. 

I, Yukimori Ryoma, do not have a single idea of how the hell she managed to get my contact information. Creepy, if you ask me. She said she wanted to meet me for some reason. I don't know what to do, so I decided to comply with her request.

After I ate breakfast, I washed the dishes. I took a shower for like 20 minutes. I took out my uniform from the closet and wear it. After that, I tied my hair. It's long as heck! I wonder when should I cut my hair? Not like it's important now, anyways.

After everything is done, I decided to leave and went to the elevator. I came into the lobby 10 minutes earlier. Damn, I feel quite nervous.

 After waiting for a while, I saw someone heading my way. It's Sakayanagi... with a woman. A thigh-length purple hair that is tied in a long ponytail on the right side is with her. Is she her friend? I'll ask her later.

She had that same smug smile. The girl beside her do be lookin' annoyed though.

"Fufufu... Goodmorning, Yukimori-kun."

"Yo! Goodmorning, Sakayanagi. And uh..."

"Kamuro. Kamuro Masumi."

"Y-yeah. Nice to meet you, Kamuro. I'm Yukimori Ryoma, by the way."

We exchanged our greetings and I proceeded to sit down on the couch.

"It's okay now. Thank you for accompanying me, Masumi-san."

Kamuro nodded and left us in the lobby. 

After a few seconds, I initiated the conversation.

"How's the first week of high school for you, Sakayanagi? Also, I'm going to show you something."

"I'm doing great. How about you? How many battles did you win?" I smirked at her question. She knew, about that something. About how I'm going to have Pokemon Battles in the first week. I took out my phone and opened my profile. I showed her the results of my hard work.

Hall of Fame: N/A
Tournaments Won: None
Pokemon Battles: W - 11 L - 0
Pokemon Trades: 0

During the week, I challenged people in Pokemon Battles 11 times. I haven't lost a single one and I'm on a winning streak using Lucario and Pidgey as of now. I don't plan to use my other Pokemon in the next battles, yet. 

As for the Pidgey, I recently caught it at the Wild Area, while Kiyotaka caught a Starly. We both are training them. We did some Pokemon Battles with them, and Kiyotaka won most of them. They aren't official Pokemon Battles, so I'm still on a winning streak. His Starly is good, though. I can imagine his Staraptor dominating the stadium already once that bird evolves.

"Fufu, so you're really training for MSYI."

"Yeah, one of my goals is to compete at that gigantic stadium while people were watching us battle each other."

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