Thanks Dolph...

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"Alex, Vince wants to see you."  My secretary told me and walked out of my office.  I grunted and pulled myself out of my comfortable desk chair and out the door.  The superstars and divas were getting ready for tonight's show. 

Katlyin and Eve were fighting over in the corner, and The 3 man band were trying to play guitar.  I should go over there and show them how to really play guitar, but I've got to see the boss. 

I slowly opened Vince's door.

"You wanted to see me?"  I sat down across from him.  He had a straight face on.

"Alex, I've heard that you have a… drug problem."  I took a deep breath. "And I wanted to warn you that if you don't get clean in the next month, I have to ban you for 30 days."

"Okay, I get it sir."  I looked down at my knees. It felt like I was getting in trouble by my mom.  

"Oh and you're on tonight, you'll be announcing that you and Punk are a couple."  He looked me straight in the eye.  

"Okay."  I got up and walked out to try to find Punk.  He's probably in the locker room, I hate going in there because it smells like sweaty men and stinky feet, but I think most of the smell is coming from Brodus Clay. 

Walking in the locker room the horrible smell hit me like a freight train.  I quickly made my way over to Punk.  He smiled and started laughing. 

"How could you stand this smell?!"  I covered my nose with my hand. 

"You get use to it."  He kissed me on the cheek.  He was in his wrestling attire.

I stood on my toes and whispered into Punks ear. "Vince said we got to say we're in a relationship tonight."  

"That's gonna be awkward.  But whatever, lets get it over with."  He pulled me out of the locker room and to the backstage area.  

"Play my music."  Punk said. I looked at my phone and it was just about time when Raw started.  I guess we will be the first one's out there.  Punks music blared, he grabbed my hand and led me out.  The crowed booed at Punk… He ignored them and helped me up to the ring, not that I needed help. The crew gave us two microphones.  

"Shut up you people."  Punk said.  "We have an announcement!"  The crowed continued to scream and boo. 

"Shut the hell up!"  I yelled into the microphone.  The crowed lowered it's volume.  I took a deep breath. "So… Cm Punk and I are now officially… a couple."  

The Wwe universe screamed either in excitement or disgust.  What's funny is that we are actually a couples, so none of this would be faking right?

Suddenly Dolph Zigglers music started playing.  Dolph came out with AJ clinging onto his arm.  

"Congratulations! We have another bogus couple on Wwe.  See, AJ and I are the real couple in Wwe, you guys are fake!"  Dolph yelled.  I couldn't help but laugh.  

"Oh Alex, you should be lucky."  AJ spoke up.  "Punk is a great kisser."  I nodded my head because she was right. 

"That's not the only thing he's great at."  I smirked.  AJ's mouth grew wide and Dolph's face was priceless.  "Close your mouth AJ, you don't want to catch any flies!" 

"Shut up!"  Dolph screamed. "At least she isn't a druggie!"  My eyes widened, I could not believe he said that.  I looked up to Punk and his face was red with anger.  He dropped his microphone and ran towards Dolph, he ran away with Aj and Punk followed.  I was just in the middle of the ring, speechless.  They cut to commercial and I awkwardly made my way backstage. 

"Alex!  I'm so sorry!"  AJ ran up to me.  I ignored her and tried to find Punk.  He probably already found Dolph. 

I heard yelling and footsteps so I ran in that direction. Crew and referees were trying to pull apart Punk from Dolph.  I pushed by the crew and started to try to get Punks attention.  He finally saw me and stepped away.  He stood up straight and looked Dolph right in the eye.

"Let's go."  I walked off with Punk to my office.

Now the whole Wwe universe knows… all the the little kids that look up to me now know that I'm a druggie.  Well they probably don't know what that means… but the teenagers do.  And the parents probably think I'm a bad influence.  I just sat down on my chair and took deep breaths. Dolph is gonna pay.

Okay!  I updated! Thanks for reading, and you could suggest what could happen to Dolph in the COMMENTS belowww!!

xo Alex

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