Chapter 11 - The Man in Orange

Start from the beginning

"On my—"

He was interrupted by the arrival of a unique coloured Z13, it had streaks of orange on the body while carrying a custom Kinetic Nodachi.

"I can tell from that movement that you were the one who humiliated me in battle earlier." He said as he stalked around him every time Alon would try to move away. This guy is getting on my nerves, Alon thought as he reached for the Kinetic Zweihander and gripped it with both hands.

"Who the hell are you anyway?" Alon asked him in annoyance but he can recognize the voice as the one from the Orange Kataphract from earlier, to say Alon did not expect him to survive was an understatement.

"I am Liyab Inokawa, the pilot—" He rushed forward at Alon with the Nodachi and slashed the front, he felt his heart leap out from his chest as the very control panel split open forcing Alon to cover his face despite wearing a suit and helmet from the sparks as the Nodachi had ended up slicing his Kataphract open and he was mere inches away from being sliced in half.

And then he saw it, the Custom Z13 Mech that carried a unique Orange and gold colour pattern wielding the Nodachi in victory as Alon quickly recovered and moved away from him to ensure that he doesn't collapse from the damages.

"—Who will defeat you!"

"You're pissing me off, that's for sure," Alon said rushing the Zweihander and rushing at him, but because Liyab was more agile and well trained he easily dodged the blows Alon had sent to him making him far more different from the Sisters he had fought earlier.

"Tell me, who are you then?" Liyab told him as he easily dodged Alon's swing as his Kataphract was beginning to break down from the damages.

"Alon Akunawa," Alon reluctantly answered as Liyab walked towards him with the Nodachi, but on the corner, he spotted an unused Kinetic Rifle.

"Alon Akunawa? Very well I shall—"

Alon had the Kataphract roll to the side and grabbed the Kinetic Rifle and began to open fire at the Z13, but due to the damaged cockpit, he ended up firing blindly at him just to throw him off which cause him to take a knee down from the damage.

"You lack any sense of—"




The entire battlefield was filled with flares signalling a temporary retreat to the Sisters of Peace and Sovereign forces. This caused the Liyab to let out a sigh as he flew off alongside the rest of the Z13s and Sovereign Kataphracts present while the remaining Wild Hunt forces cheered in victory.

But Alon let out an exhausted sigh as he slumped back into his seat as kept his eyes focused on the Orange Z13, Liyab Inokawa. He had a feeling that this won't be the last time he'll be hearing from that strange man.

[Legacy of Earth]

This place is massive, Alon thought to himself as he made his way into the main hangar where Hayato and Henri are waiting for Alon to escort the two to meet with the representatives for the formalities.

While on the outside, Aksai looked like an old fort that had been repurposed into a municipal building. But on the inside the Fort was just the main entrance and going further it becomes a sprawling underground City whose ceiling can even house mechs and could probably take him days of exploring to see all of it.

"Years ago, Protocol 122 or the Agarthi Protocol which is to develop massive underground cities to shield people in massive sieges or as a refuge for people in a catastrophic event," Hayato said who was wearing a Dark Blue and Aquamarine Skull Mask and the same combat uniform they were wearing.

Alon immediately recognized it as explained to him by Henri that when Hayato wears this he is no longer Hayato Sumeragi but rather the titular Memento Mori their leader. It was the first time Alon had seen him put it on and it made him curious.

"I heard about your performance on the field today," The Memento Mori spoke as they slowly made their way towards the designated headquarters which was a repurposed Athletic Center, the Mask had a voice changer which had a robotic voice in contrast to the friendly voice that Hayato has. The fact that in this form he can do it gave Alon chills.

"Excellent work, it had become clear that your training simulations have paid off. But remember to continue honing your piloting skills, your encounter with that Orange Pilot would prove to become a dangerous adversary in the long run." He continued that even from the way he speaks Memento Mori is far different from Hayato Sumeragi. It almost frightens Alon to see him act like this.

"So what will be my next assignment after this?" Alon asked hoping he can help out again outside of Piloting.

"For now you, Fenrir and Suzaku are to remain on stand by and await further orders." He stopped as they made their way into a set of double doors and a squad of soldiers was waiting for their next move. "In the meantime, you should take some rest and recover, I have a feeling that as soon as dawn arrives then the enemy will come and put the fortress to siege."

And after that Memento Mori entered the room leaving Alon and Henri in the hallway.

"That was scary," Alon said aloud earning a giggle from Henri.

"Yeah it's intimidating at first but you get used to it." She said playfully elbowing him. "Come on, let's grab something to eat. Food's on me."

"Where's Aqua?" Alon asked referring to Marina.

"She's with Martial (Wu) and is busy maintaining the Mechs, I heard from the two that they added modifications to the Zio." Henri explained to him as they found a still open fast food place, luckily it was the same franchise that was present on Mars as well. She noticed the worried look he had on his face and she smiled.

"Don't worry, I've been training her personally and she can handle herself in a fight." She reassured him. "So how was your first siege?"

"Wierd, I tried my best not to think about the people, if I hadn't seen the surrendered Sisters of Peace earlier then it made me forget that I'm in a war zone and everyone is fighting for their lives," Alon answered as a server handed them their meals and they made their way to talk in a corner. He then smiled as he took a bite of his sandwich. "Is this the part where you tell me it gets easier later on?"

"You got me on that one." Henri joked raising her hands in surrender which only made Alon laugh in amusement. He was given that talk by Tsuna and how as soldiers they need to get used to having to kill for their lives. Henri sighed as she gave him a tired look, despite being two years his senior he is reminded that she is just a young woman with her life ahead of her just like he was.

" did you join this Memento Mori?" Alon asked but instantly regretted it as it was a personal question and he shouldn't be asking that in such a public place. Henri just gave him a wink and pressed a finger on her lips as if saying it's a secret, Alon smiled at the gesture but worried him for a moment worried that he had hit a landmine.

"There you two are." Both of them saw Dain and Tsuna heading towards them with amused smiles on their faces.

"Try not to get too close unless you don't want Aqua upset," Tsuna teased Alon who scoffed at the idea.

"Any word of Mori?" Dain asked immediately heading right to the topic.

"He went to meet up with the leader alongside Ars, he told me to just rest and wait for further instructions," Alon answered as he finished his meal. "Is Martial and the new Mechanic finished repairing with the Zio?"

"Not yet but he'll be calling for you once it is, I heard from the two that they plan to add some upgrades into the Zio that favours based on your combat data," Tsuna explained to him.

They can do that? "Well, I guess I'll just rest for now," Alon said, all the more relieved that he would be able to relax, but the memory of Liyab Inokawa and the idea of him facing him again in combat scared him.

[Legacy of Earth]

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