Chapter 53

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Miranda chuckled before opening the small box, revealing a ring. "[Y/N]... Will you marry me?"

"Yes," You breathed out, holding back tears as she took your hand and slid the ring onto your finger. "I... I can't..."

"Believe it, because it's real. You surviving the cadou always meant that I'd propose. Another way to commemorate the day you became immortal."

"...Can this be my new birthday?"

"Of course, my love," Miranda smiled as she kissed your cheek. "Starting now, today is your new birthday."

"We can have an actual celebration next year so we don't confuse the kids."

"That gives me time to plan the perfect birthday celebration for you."

"You spoil me," You giggled and pecked her lips. "I can't wait to tell everyone."

"Alcina and Donna will be happy."

"So will the triplets."

"They're going to bombard us with questions," Miranda sighed dramatically. "We leave out the part about you dying during the process."


The both of you laughed and Miranda wrapped her arms around your waist, lifting you and leaning in for a kiss. You immediately closed the gap, letting your arms wrap around her neck to keep you pressed into her. When you eventually broke the kiss, Miranda set you down with a wide smile on her face, your heart melting at the sight.

Miranda had you sit down before she went back to the kitchen. She returned quickly with cupcakes, making your smile widen. Now you knew why she made them. It was obvious what your answer was going to be — she knew it from the moment she laid eyes on you — so she made the cupcakes as an early celebration. You rolled your eyes at her smug grin and took a cupcake, letting out a content sigh as Miranda sat next to you, her eyes flickering between you and the cupcake as you stared at it.

"You made these because you knew I was going to say 'Yes'. Little cocky, don't you think?"

"You love when I'm cocky."

"I can't deny that you're incredibly hot when you're cocky..." You trailed off, trying not to get distracted by memories of when she was cocky.

Miranda smirked and a pink hue dusted her cheeks. "...I can't deny that you have a very creative imagination."

"Reading my thoughts again?"

"When they're about me and sexual? Absolutely. I need to know what you might want to try and what you don't like. You weren't the best at expressing what you did and didn't like in the beginning, so I got used to reading your mind when your thoughts became sexual."

"I think that just made you hotter," You muttered and eyed her lustfully. "Anyway, should we hurry up so we can tell everyone?"

"You're so eager to let them know."

"I just want to let everyone know that you're picking me to be your lifelong partner. You make me feel so giddy, and I get to experience that forever now."

"It was always going to be you, and everyone will know that in time."

Three hours later and the kids woke from their naps. It took them a moment to process the news, but once you said you and Miranda would be together forever, they got very excited. Seeing them so excited made your heart swell with love. Next up was making sure they had snacks and juice so they wouldn't bother you too much as you contacted the others.

The first contacted was Salvatore. He congratulated you immediately, cheering about how the lords would now have two 'mothers' they could go to with news. Next up was Karl. He acted abrasively toward you but at the same time, you could hear a hint of relief at the fact that neither you nor Miranda would end up alone. You were dialing Donna's number when you noticed how tired Miranda looked. It made sense — she did lose you for a moment and then she ended up proposing.

You giggled softly and pressed a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth, tracing circles on her shoulder when she relaxed under you. Miranda sighed happily as you continued, letting you know she enjoyed that you weren't forcing her to continue even if it was only two more phone calls. You set the phone back down and began running your fingers through her hair, a smile on your face as you noticed the relaxed expression on her face.

"The girls will understand," You whispered as you watched her. "You just relax. If we hear the kids getting out of hand, I'll check on them."

"Thank you, love."

"It's the bare minimum, love. Plus, I like seeing you all relaxed. It's cute."

"You're cute."

"Do you expect me to deny that?"

"Someone has an ego," Miranda chuckled as she drank in your form, lust gleaming in her eyes. "I like it."

"I learned from you," You hummed and ghosted your lips over hers. "You're the one with a god complex."

"I do not have a god complex."

"And I don't have you wrapped around my little finger."

Instead of responding, Miranda sent you a weak glare. She knew that what you said was true, she just couldn't think of what to say that would leave you just as lost for words as she was right now. Your giggle snapped her out of her thoughts and Miranda buried her face in your neck.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?"

"How annoyed I am that you're right."

"Mmmh. Best to get used to that then," You grinned and closed your eyes.

"So you're saying you'll be right more often than I will be?"

"I'm saying you'll let me be right more often because it makes me happy and that's all you need as a motivation to do something. You, my beloved crow, are so in love with me that I'm pretty sure I could get away with any crime because you'd make sure I wasn't found guilty, no matter how much evidence is piled up against me."

"...Your point...?"

"My point is; I'll always win because you love seeing me happy too much to let me lose."

"...That's a fair point."

You laughed as the conversation ended, your heart warm with love. Miranda didn't let you speak to her like that often — mainly because she got too flustered — but when she did, it left the both of you with wide smiles on your faces. You shifted your hand and examined your ring, letting out a content sigh at the black diamond that sat perfectly as the petals of a rose. Miranda's gaze shifted to the ring and she immediately placed a gentle kiss on the piece of jewelry.

"I cannot wait to call you my wife forever."

"After we tell Donna and Alcina, we can plan it. The sooner I'm your wife, the better."

"I couldn't agree more," Miranda smiled before connecting your lips in a tender kiss.

Experimental Love [yandere!mother miranda x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now