Chapter 15

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She's so fucking gorgeous...

After you snapped out of your thoughts, you turned your gaze to her wings, taking note of how some of her feathers were brownish and bedraggled looking, a small frown on your face. You hesitantly lifted a hand, your fingers ghosting over her feathers, sucking in a sharp breath when her wings twitched. You quickly retracted your hand and glanced away, feeling her gaze burning into you.

Her hand gripped your jaw and forced you to look at her, earning a quiet yelp from you. She narrowed her gaze and backed you into a tree, body trembling slightly. You didn't technically disobey her orders but, you were close to doing so and that might warrant a punishment.

"What do you think you're doing?" She growled out, nails digging into your flesh.

"Th-they're turning br-brownish..." You stammered out, staring at her with wide eyes.

"Do NOT touch them. Don't even THINK about touching them either."

"I-I'm sorry..."

She released your jaw and tucked her wings away, turning around and heading back the way you two came. You followed her in silence, wiping the blood off of your skin and jumping slightly when the door slammed shut and locked behind you. Miranda moved to the couch in silence as she grabbed the book from earlier, opening it and reading it in silence. You quietly moved to the other end of the couch, staring at your lap.

You glanced up when Miranda moved near you and pulled you close to her, a nervous squeak leaving you. Her gaze lifted momentarily to lock with yours, a coldness to them you'd only seen when you'd upset her. You immediately dropped your gaze and swallowed hard, leaning against her nervously, only relaxing slightly when she didn't give a negative reaction.

"I am so-."

"Drop it." She murmured, immediately silencing you.

After a few more minutes, she set the book down and moved you to her lap, holding you against her body. Miranda picked up the book again and caught you up on what she didn't read to you before picking up where she left off, reading quietly to you. You relaxed against her as she read, smiling slightly when she rested her chin on your shoulder, letting out a soft hum.

She finished reading to you and closed the book, moving you off of her lap. You watched her walk into the kitchen, a small pout on your face as you grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around your body. You yawned softly and closed your eyes, curling into a corner of the couch as sleep tugged at you. The smell of food cooking reached you but sleep still welcomed you - knowing Miranda would wake you when the food was ready.

Your eyes fluttered open to Miranda hovering over you, a calm smile on her face as she pecked your lips. You smiled up at her sleepily, wrapping your arms around her waist as you slowly sat up. She cupped your cheeks and pressed her forehead against yours, a soft hum leaving her as her lips ghosted over yours. 

"Hm, someone's in a good mood." You chuckled quietly, pecking her lips.

"Tomorrow's the big day," She whispered, snaking her arms around your neck. "The day we get her back."

"You found one?"

"I did. I leave tonight to get her so, don't wait up. I'll make sure nothing goes wrong so we can be a family."

"I cannot wait for you to return home and to have our family."

Miranda nodded and connected her lips with yours, a smile on her face as you returned the kiss. You held her tight, giggling quietly into the kiss as she forced you back on the bed, pulling away from the kiss. She trailed her hands over your shoulders and down your chest, earning a soft groan from you.

"One round to celebrate?" She grinned, slipping her hands under your shirt.

"Of course, my love." You breathed out, shuddering at her touch.

Before the dream could continue, you were shaken awake by Miranda, a soft groan leaving you when the light reached your eyes. Miranda's chuckle filled your ears and you slowly lifted your gaze, yawning softly when she picked you up, carrying you to the dining room. Once you were sat on a chair, your gaze shifted to the bowl in front of you. You offered her a small smile, adjusting the blanket and sleepily staring into the bowl.

"It's Ciorbă de perișoare," Miranda hummed, sitting across from you. "A traditional sour soup with meatballs."

"Looks and smells delicious." You whispered, lifting the spoon.

The two of you ate in silence, your gaze watching her as she grabbed the dishes and moved to the kitchen. You slowly stood and followed her, gently rubbing your right eye as you stopped not too far behind her. She glanced over her shoulder before going back to washing the dishes, a faint smile on her face. You hesitantly wrapped your arms around her waist, burying your face against her back. She tensed slightly before relaxing into you, making you smile.

"I'm surprised you're letting me do this." You muttered out, smiling wider at her chuckle.

"Should I not? Should I push you away and force you into a cage?" She inquired, making you tense up.

"No... No cage, please. I don't like cages, I like this side of you."

"You do? Even when I got mad at you?"

"I wasn't happy about that but, I understand why you were mad. I almost disobeyed your orders, I deserved what happened."

Once she finished washing the dishes, you released her and watched her turn around. Her arms wrapped around your neck and she pulled you close to her, giving you the chance to rest your head on her shoulder. She rubbed your back gently, your eyes shutting as you relaxed into her. You felt her lift you up and immediately wrapped your arms and legs around her, letting her carry you to the bedroom.

"What did you dream of on the couch?"

"Something strange," You whispered, nuzzling into her neck. "We were more than just pet and goddess to each other and... You mentioned something about a big day and starting a family..."

"I did?"

"Weird, right?"

She was silent for a moment, sitting on the bed and holding you tight. "I suppose it is weird."

Experimental Love [yandere!mother miranda x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now