Chapter 23

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"I don't know..." You trailed, staring at the painting. "I didn't even realize what I was painting."

"It's cute," Daniela exclaimed, clasping her hands on your shoulders. "And whoever that other kid is, I'm sure we'll love them."

"I'm just curious to know who that kid is and why I painted myself holding them."

The girls nodded in understanding before asking you to tell them about your time in the facility as a lab rat. You told them all you could recall - from the earliest memory to the latest no matter how bizarre. About halfway through the recount of your past, there was a knock at your door, causing the girls to hiss.

A scared yelp came from the other side of the door, making the girls giggle. The maid on the other side stuttered out that dinner was ready, causing the girls to quiet down. You knew why they suddenly went quiet - after dinner, Isa was going to tell their mother the truth. That they like her daughters and why they lied to the lady. This could be the last time the girls see Isa.

You stood and headed towards the door, noticing the girls actually walking behind you instead of gliding or just swarming you to the dining hall. But you couldn't blame them either - the one mortal they've grown close to had the chance to die tonight. You stopped and faced them, effectively making them stop.

"I know you three are worried," You whispered, fiddling with your shirt. "But don't you want their potentially last night alive to be filled with your happiness? I'm sure they'd want that."

"You're right," Bela sighed, taking a deep breath. "It's just..."

"We don't want to lose them." Cassandra finished, glancing down at the floor.

"I know you don't," You started, sending them a small smile. "But seeing you three happy will make them happy. And them being happy would - ideally - make you three happy, correct?"

"Yeah." Daniela mumbled, returning the small smile.

"Therefore you're all happy in the end. No matter what happens, your memories of each other tonight will be ones where you're happy."

The girls nodded and you all finished the walk to the dining hall, taking your seats. Once the lady entered the dining hall and sat down, maids began bringing our plates of food, your heart nearly stopping when Isa set a plate in front of lady Dimitrescu. At the moment, all other maids were asked to leave the dining hall, leaving just Isa with the rest of you.

You nervously watched the two, noticing that the girls were only staring at their plates. Once the other maids were gone, Isa bowed to the lady and waited for her words. Lady Dimitrescu faced them, gold eyes burning into them.

"Who is the maid you're trying to protect by lying to me?"

"...Myself, my lady." They stated after a beat of silence, making the girls tense up.


You glanced away when the lady trailed off, expecting Isa to not be standing there much longer. When nothing came, you glanced back to notice the two simply staring at each other. The girls seemed to acknowledge the tense silence and glanced up as well, nervously waiting for their mother to speak.

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