Chapter 25

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"Which one?"

"Isa, of course. Unless there's another one I should know about?"

"They're alive?!" You exclaimed, noticing the head tilt from Miranda.

"Why wouldn't they be? Alcina praises them all of the time. I'm convinced she wants them to marry one of her daughters..." Miranda sighed out, sky blue eyes examining you. "Did something happen?"

You shifted from one foot to the other, telling her the story of what happened when she left between Isa and the Dimitrescu daughters. Miranda started laughing towards the end, prompting you to stop speaking and tilt your head. You waited for her to tell you what she found funny, heat rushing to your cheeks when she kissed your head.

"What a cruel tactic," Miranda hummed, guiding you through the halls. "Alcina was never going to kill them — she'd be a fool to do so — she just wanted to scare them."

"How do you know?" You inquired, happily leaning against her.

"Simple, really. She'd never do something that will upset her daughters. This is a first and the fact that she did do it, means she was testing the four of them. Seeing how they'd all react to thinking Isa is dead and how Isa would react when it comes to facing death for her daughters."

"So... she wanted to make sure their feelings were real?"

"Precisely. Considering Isa let me in, it's safe to say that they passed her test."

You let out a relieved sigh, smiling as you entered the dining hall with Miranda. Once your gaze landed on the girls, the smile dropped. They still seemed heartbroken — gazes glued to the table before them and cloaks covering most of their faces.

That was a new sight, one you hoped you'd never have to see again. Once Bela realized you and Miranda had entered the room, she straightened herself out and pulled down her cloak, her sisters immediately copying her. You sat between Daniela and Miranda, your head turning to face the vampire.

"Have a little bit of hope." You pleaded softly to her, letting your gaze flicker to her sisters that you knew were listening in. "Would your mother really do something to upset you three?"

"You have a point..." Daniela trailed, the sadness in her eyes breaking your heart. "I guess we'll see."

You gave a small nod, turning your attention to Miranda shortly after. Her gaze flickered between the three young vampires, a faint smile on her face. This gave you the time to take in her features once more.

Her pallid skin definitely glowed in the light, effectively knocking the wind out of you. The way her eyes sparkled with life and happiness made your heart skip a beat. You had to tear your gaze away from her, heart threatening to burst from your chest if you continued to examine her.

She really does look like a goddess.

A moment later and lady Dimitrescu entered the dining hall, earning a chorus of 'good morning mother' from her daughters. Once the matriarch took her seat, you whispered out a 'good morning' to her, sheepishly looking down at the table afterwards.

Were you still intimidated by the height difference? Maybe just a little. Did that stop you from finding her incredibly attractive? Absolutely not.

Miranda wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer to her, allowing you to lean against her as you waited for breakfast. She and lady Dimitrescu began conversing, prompting you to tune out of the conversation and look over at the Dimitrescu daughters.

Daniela was fiddling with the table cloth, Cassandra's flies seemed to not want to hold shape and Bela seemed the most relaxed of the three. Seemed being the keyword. She would occasionally glance about the room and when she didn't see who she was looking for, sadness quickly filled her eyes and her gaze dropped to the table.

It broke you to seem them like that and you assumed it was the same for their mother, seeing as she paused her conversation with Miranda to call for someone. The girls seemed to perk up slightly, hope quickly filling them as they waited impatiently for the doors to open.

You huddled closer to Miranda when the door opened slightly, a smile on your face. The door was barely open enough for anyone to slip through but, the girls immediately turned their attention to their mother.

"I spared them for a reason, now go on." She mused, igniting the exuberant buzzing as the girls swarmed to the door.

"That was cruel of you, Alcina." Miranda chuckled out, catching your attention. "I could tell by what [Y/N] told me that they're all infatuated with each other."

"This was more of a punishment for Isa lying to me than anything else. I do hate that the girls were caught up in it but, at least I know now that they do actually like them. Now I don't have to worry about my girls or my best maid getting their heart broken."

You turned your attention back to the door, noticing the girls planting kisses on Isa's face and holding them in a hug. The soft giggles from the girls made you happy, allowing a small smile to rest on your face. After the three seemed to calm down, they took their seats and the dining hall seemed to be full of life.

After breakfast, you said your goodbyes to the Dimitrescu family and Isa, making them promise to take good care of the Dimitrescu daughters. They had laughed and agreed, sending you to join Miranda in the main hall. Once you reached her, her arm wrapped around your waist and you buried your face in her neck.

The sound of wings flapping and a brief whirl of wind made you press more into Miranda, earning a low chuckle from her. Heat coated your cheeks as you pulled away from her once your feet were on solid ground, turning your face away from her.

She set your things down before gripping your jaw, turning your head to face her. You squirmed slightly at how she handled you, a small smile on your face.

"It's great to be home again." You muttered, noticing her eyes soften after you said that.

"I have much to tell you."

Experimental Love [yandere!mother miranda x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now