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You thought, seeing how Watanabe's house was packed with guards. You were on a nearby hill, watching his every move with binoculars. As you observed the main and the back entry, it seemed almost impossible to break in unnoticed. Except that, you had an idea. You quickly grabbed the bag you brought with yourself and decided to sort things out. At the bottom of the bag you found a dress and changed within the blink of an eye. You put a thigh holster on and put your gun in it along with some knives. Just as you were about to leave, you realized you forgot something important - the recorder.

You carefully made your way towards the main entrance and stood in front of the door for a few seconds, rehearsing what you were going to say, before ringing the doorbell. The guard opened it within a second and started looking at you up and down, frowning.

"I'm not sure if you noticed, but this isn't a strip club."

He rolled his eyes and was about to slam the door to your face but you blocked him with your foot.

"I have an appointment with Mr. Watanabe at 12."

You leaned on the door, replying in a seductive tone. That grossed you out from the inside but you had to bear with it. In those few seconds you managed to analyze what was going on from the inside; there were four guards in total at the main entrance. You had two options, either slowly make your way to Watanabe by pretending to be a hooker, or get rid of the guards quietly, which seemed like the harder option. You already concluded by then that it would take about two minutes for the guards at the back entry to arrive at the main one, if they heard any noise. That meant you had two minutes to get rid of the four guards, which were armed up with guns.

As you were thinking, your gaze went lower, making you notice the guard had a silencer. You started observing the other four and came to the conclusion that the only guns they had were silencers.


The guard standing in front of you frowned at your words before you grabbed his head and slammed it to the door, making him pass out. The other three immediately noticed it so you hid from the outside and started shooting at them.

"One down, two to go."

You said to yourself before grabbing one of the guards' bodies and holding it in front of you as a shield. You rushed inside and threw the body at one of the guards. You hid behind a tree and started shooting at the guard who was down. As you shot him in the head, the blood started spraying everywhere.


You whispered to yourself and peeked out, noticing that the one remaining guard ran out of his bullets. That was a perfect chance; you put your gun aside and started running towards him, wrapping your legs around his neck before knocking him out. You didn't even have time to think about what to do next as you heard the other guards running to the main entrance. You grabbed the guns and hid behind the bushes. Soon after they arrived you started shooting at them, making all of them hide as well. You didn't get a good look at how many of them were there, but your guess was about five guards.

You started shooting at them again and managed to shoot one guard. They started shooting back so you just stayed still behind the bushes. After a few seconds you came out again, shooting. What you didn't expect was that you would be out of bullets.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

You repeatedly cursed at yourself, looking around and searching for the other gun. You realized there was no time left and you were probably going to be shot; that was the perfect chance for them. You heard the gunshot and at that moment it was like the time slowed down for a bit. You were about to close your eyes but then you heard a familiar voice.

"Watch out!"

Your body was thrown against the floor and you felt someone's hands on your cheeks.

"Are you hurt anywhere and why are you in a dress?!"

A chuckle escaped your lips hearing Kazutora's voice and seeing him so flustered.

"Why are you laughing, you could've died if it wasn't for me!"

He quickly took out his own gun and started shooting back.

"Shit, I just didn't expect to see you here."

You replied as Kazutora handed you another gun.

"Yeah, me neither, especially after you knocked out the shit out of me."

Kazutora sarcastically replied and you whispered "sorry".

"We'll be holding an apology hour later, now, go find Watanabe and I'll get rid of these guys."

He said, his eyes locked on the guards in the front.

"Are you sure about that?"

You frowned and he gave you a slight nod, pushing you out of the way so you don't get hurt. 

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