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March 2012

I had started working in a hospital. It used to be really exhausting for me, but I eventually got used to it. Even though I didn't have a bunch of free time, I visited Kazutora whenever I could.

"So, a psychiatrist, huh?"

Kazutora smirked when I told him which major I chose.

"Yeah, way easier than a surgeon."

I managed to explain to him the whole story of my parents wanting me to become a surgeon and going against my plan of choosing a different major.

"You shouldn't do something that won't make you happy, you don't gain anything from that. If being a psychiatrist makes you happy, then it's settled."

Kazutora kept a straight expression while I held in my laugh. When he noticed, he raised his eyebrows.

"I appreciate this, really."

I crossed my arms and leaned back in the chair.


October 2013

I was really excited, because as the time passed, Kazutora's release from jail was coming closer. It had been 8 years since he got behind the bars and there were 2 more years left to serve, and then he would be done.

"I may be released a few months earlier than scheduled."

He had a big smile plastered all over his face.

"Really? That's great!"

I smiled and gently held his hands.

"Yeah, due to good behaviour."

He replied and put his long hair in a ponytail.

Kazutora really did change a lot in the past 8 years. He got the help he needed and started thinking more rationally. All those years behind the bars actually did him more good than harm. If he was still out there, involved in the gang world, he either wouldn't have survived or would have completely lost his mind. It made me proud, the fact that he may be released earlier than expected, especially due to good behaviour which he showcased, because he truly deserved it.


September 2014

A lot of things have happened recently. I haven't seen Kazutora for a few weeks because I have been unwell. I didn't want him to see me in that state. That is why I decided to send him a letter, along with his birthday gift. I thought a lot about what to get him. At the last second, a brilliant idea occurred. I decided to give him a framed picture of him and Baji. His mom gave me a camera and we went through the photos until we noticed that cute picture of the two of them, so I bought the golden frame and framed it. It seemed like a perfect gift from my perspective.

Dear Kazu,

I'm really sorry for not being able to be here with you on your birthday. So far, for 8 years I was there with you on your special day so I'm really sad I won't be able to celebrate it with you this year.

Something came up, I would tell you, but it's rather personal. I'm just not in the right state of mind right now, and I don't want you to see me like this. But, don't worry! I'm alive and kicking. :)

Since I won't be there with you, I want to tell you this way; I wish you the happiest of birthdays and I hope all of your wishes come true! A gift came with this letter, but I guess you already opened it. It's not much, however, I hope you like it! Again, don't worry about me, once everything goes back to normal, I'll visit you. Just enjoy today, without worries, it's your day after all.

I miss you!

Your Y/N

Your Y/N

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