1 - a new beginning

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Felix's POV:

September 1

The first day of a new school year should be exciting, but in high school, it's anything but exciting. At least I have Channie with me. He's basically my protector, even though I've never asked him to be like this. Coming here from Australia was a roller coaster a few years ago, and in school, everyone picks on the new kids. I don't know what it is about Chan and I, but we've gotten our fair share of bullying when we first got here. At least my brother had the smart idea of bulking up and working out throughout the years so that people couldn't pick on him anymore, but I've never taken that initiative. He plays soccer as well, which helps him fit in a bit better than me.

I'm only a bit of an extravert around my friends, but I would much rather stay inside and bake than be out at parties. Chan is almost the same way, but he's been to a few parties around here. He's gotten a little popularity after making the soccer team, but out of all the guys on the team, he's a total saint. Between drinking and drugs, Chan chooses to do none of it except the one or two drinks when he's at a party in order to fit in. I can't tell you how many times I've had to help him sneak back inside from getting home late... because he had to help one of his teammates get home. He's just too nice of a person to say 'no' to them.

And then there's me; the quiet Australian boy that does his homework and sits in the back of class.

I sighed to myself as we walked to the bus stop at the corner of our street, and Chan noticed, "What's wrong?"

I turned to him, seeing his eyebrows scrunching together. I gave him a little smile to reassure him, "Nothing. I was just thinking."

He rolled his eyes, both of us stopping when we got to the intersection where our bus stop was, "Junior year is gonna be fine, ok? You're overthinking it."

I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jeans, "At least you're cool and popular and have a girlfriend."

He tilted his head and gave me a look; that look that just says—

"Really? Lix, comparing yourself to other's is never a good idea. And I think you're cool."

He was right, but it's something I always do. Chan is the poster boy of 'perfect child' and I feel like I'm lacking a bit, "I just— I don't know."

Chan audibly sighed, "Listen, you're gonna be fine, I promise."

I opened my mouth to respond, but I started to hear footsteps. I think Chan heard them too since he turned his head as soon as I did, both of us looking at the person walking towards us. When he locked eyes with us, he slowed down his pace; staring at each other for a few seconds before shifting his gaze to the side and looking down at his feet.

He was wearing black jeans with a black zip up hoodie, the hood over his head as well. He clutched onto the straps of his backpack with a duffle bag over his shoulder as well, seeming anxious about being around other people. He stopped and turned to the street a few meters away from us, keeping a respectful distance. Chan and I both looked at each other, confused. For the last three years, we've been the only people at this bus stop. He must've moved here recently or something.

Chan turned to him, being the friendly person he always is, "Waiting for the bus?"

The boy turned to us, pursing his lips together as he nodded in response. Chan asked another question to try and start a conversation, "Did you just move here? We're usually the only ones who're at this stop."

He quietly shook his head and quickly turned back to the road, seeming anxious about starting a conversation in the first place. It made me raise an eyebrow, knowing Chan was just trying to be nice. But his response made me curious; how have we never met him if he's lived near here for a while? We would've definitely seen him around by this point.

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